Jan 04, 2025  

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DH 114 - Oral Health

Credits: 2

Presents theory of the characteristics, origin, and development of fluoride, dentifrices, mouthwashes, and deposits that affect the tooth surface. Emphasizes tooth brushing, auxiliary aids, dental appliances, care of pre/post surgical and oral cancer patients.

Prerequisite(s): DH 100 , DH 101  each with a C (2.0) minimum grade and admission to the Dental Hygiene Program.
Corequisite(s): DH 110 , DH 111 , DH 112 , DH 115 , DH 116 , DH 118  
Lecture Hours: 15 Lab Hours: 45
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1.    Differentiate the different types of plaque and assess the importance of plaque and materia alba on the human dentition.   

     A.          List the components and stages of the Acquired Pellicle and explain the significance of knowing about the Acquired Pellicle formations.

     B.          Describe stages of plaque formation.

     C.          List the types of organisms found in plaque and when do these organisms develop.

     D.          List the percentages for the following items found in plaque.

                  1.    Organic and inorganic solids

                  2.    Water

                  3.    Micro-organisms

     E.          Explain the difference between an organic and inorganic elements.

     F.           Clinically, identify where plaque occurs in the mouth.

                  1.    Identify the methods we use to detect plaque in the mouth.

     G.          List items that can be used to control plaque.

     H.          Explain the role of plaque in the dental caries disease process and know what the term demineralization means and what it looks like on a

     I.            Explain what Materia Alba is and why is it important.

2.    Demonstrate how to perform a plaque score and explain the importance of using a disclosing solution.

     A.          List the reasons for using a disclosing agent.

     B.          Identify at what point in an appointment would you use a disclosing agent on your patient and why did you choose that time period.

     C.          Describe the value in reading the label or the product pamphlet on the disclosing agent that you use.

     D.          Identify the name of the specific disclosing agent that we use in the clinic, where is the agent located in the unit and what are the
                   ingredients of the agent.

     E.          Describe when you would use Fluorescein and the Ultraviolet Plak-Lite system.

     F.           Explain why we use a nonpetroleum -base jelly product when we work with a disclosing agent.

     G.          Briefly explain the steps of applying a liquid disclosing agent and then the steps with a chewable tablet.

     H.          Discuss the value of recording a plaque score (index, indices).

     I.            After reading about the O'Leary and Grant methods of recording a plaque score, which one of the methods do you feel would be the most
                   beneficial to the patient.

3.    Evaluate the importance of the different types of tooth brushing techniques and apply that knowledge to a patient’s oral condition.    

     A.          Teach the patient how to select an appropriate tooth brush.

     B.          Demonstrate effective teaching strategies to correct inappropriate brushing techniques.

     C.          Identify appropriate brushing techniques for various oral conditions.

     D.         Teach the patient how to select a poser toothbrush.

     E.          Demonstrate how to teach a patient tongue cleaning.

     F.           Identify conditions caused by incorrect tooth brushing.

     G.         Teach the patient how to care for, store and replace their toothbrush.

4.    Categorize the different types of dentifrices according to their value, and explain the value of using a dentifrice.

     A.          List the components of a commercial dentifrice; after each component state the purpose of the component and give the rough percentage
                  of the component.

     B.          State the main purpose for recommending the use of a commercial dentifrice.

     C.          List the four most common therapeutic values and identify at least two dentifrices marketed for that value.

     D.          Identfiy the function of the CSA.

5.    Demonstrate of the auxiliary aids and explain the value of each aid.

     A.          Discuss the value of each aid and demonstrate the use of each aid.

     B.          Identify why patients use a mouthrinse in the dental office and list the six reasons

                  mouthrinses are used at home.

    C.          Discuss the ingredients and value of mouthrinses.

6.    Explain the value of patients receiving systemic and topical fluoride.

     A.          State the meaning of:

                  1.    Systemic Fluoride -

                  2.    Topical Fluoride -

     B.          List the actions that fluoride provides.

     C.          Explain the process of demineralization.

     D.          List the different types of delivery for self-applied and professional treatments of fluoride.

     E.          Explain the benefits of fluoride on the following:

                  1.    appearance of teeth

                  2.    dental caries (permanent teeth)

                  3.    root caries

                  4.    dental caries (primary teeth)

                  5.    prenatal

                  6.    tooth loss

                  7.    malocclusion

                  8.    adults

                  9.    bone

                  10.  periodontal disease

     F.          Explain the rational for telling patients that they most wait 30 minutes before eating, drinking and smoking after a fluoride treatment.

     G.         Describe the procedure for applying fluoride by the paint on and tray techniques.

     H.         List and describe the benefits of each of the three types of self-applied fluorides.

     I.           State your views on fluoride.

     J.          Correlate the information about sodium, stannous, and phosphate fluorides, including their benefits, effects, frequency of application,
                  solution concentration and their method of application.

     K.          Describe the pre-operative instructions you will give a patient before applying the fluoride.

     L.          Explain what you should be examining after a fluoride treatment.

     M.         Explain what Dental Fluorosis is and describe the three appearances that the teeth may take on.

7.    Demonstrate the proper technique in caring for the different dental prostheses.

     A.          Explain the purposes of adding different brushing techniques, brushes, and aids to the person wearing different types dental prostheses.

     B.          Describe your role as a hygienist dealing with a patient who has had complete or partial rehabilitation.

     C.          Explain why patients should place removable appliances in water or a cleaning solution when they are out of the mouth for any period of

     D.          Explain the value for recommending that a patient remove the removable appliance for at least 1/2 hour or more per day.

     E.          Explain what you would tell a patient who uses a denture adhesive.

     F.           Explain when a patient should use a solution cleaner versus an abrasive cleaner on the different types of appliances.

     G.         Describe the problems that a patient may encounter at home with the daily maintenance of his/her particular appliance.

     H.         Compare commercial cleaners and home products for cleaning appliances.

     I.           State the main objectives for complete rehabilitation of a person’s mouth.

     J.          Identify prostheses and orthodontic appliances on lab models.

8.    Explain the value of proper oral hygiene care for oral cancer patients.

     A.          State the etiology of cancer.

     B.          List the predisposing factors to oral cancer.

     C.          State the percentage of oral cancer that is squamous cell in nature.

     D.          List the most common sites for intraoral carcinoma.

     E.          State the most common site for intraoral carcinoma on a man, a woman and indentify the most commonly involved salivary gland.

     F.           Explain what is meant by the five year cure rate.

     G.          List and explain the effects of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery on oral cancer patients.

     H.          Explain the need for proper dental and dental hygiene treatment planning for cancer patients.

     I.            Explain the benefits of fluoride and saliva substitutes for oral cancer patients.

     J.           Identify from slides the oral conditions from radiation and chemotherapy.

     K.          Identify the formula for rinses that relieve pain for the oral cancer patient.

     L.          Develop an outline identifying what you would do for a patient that is going to have radiation therapy.

9.    Explain the value of proper oral hygiene care for a patient that has gone through maxillary facial surgery.

     A.          Explain the value of preparing a patient both mentally and physically for oral and / or Maxillofacial surgery.

     B.          List and explain the personal factors that may affect your efforts in trying to reach optimal oral health for the paitient prior to surgery.

     C.          Explain why written instructions are so important for surgery patients.

     D.          List and describe the four classifications of fractures.

     E.          List the anatomical structure’s involved in a:

                  1.    Le Fort I fracture -

                  2.    Le Fort II fracture -

                  3.    Le Fort III fracture -

     F.          Explain what your role will be with a patient that has a fixation apparatus.

     G.         Develop an outline identifying what you would do for a patient that was going to have a mandibular resection done.

10. Demonstrate the proper technique to care for the implant prostheses.

     A.          Describe the different types of implants.

     B.          Explain what the Biological Seal is and where it is located.

     C.          Identify the various parts of an implant.

     D.          State the length of time for healing of the maxilla and mandible bones before the cylinders are placed.

     E.          Explain the homecare instructions that are needed to be given to the patient.

     F.           Explain an in office prophylaxis routine.

     G.          Explain the importance of obtaining baseline data.

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