Jan 04, 2025
DH 111 - Oral ExaminationsCredits: 1 Provides opportunity to practice skills necessary to perform dental charting and oral cancer examinations. Examines the various parts of dental appliances.
Prerequisite(s): DH 100 and DH 101 each with a C (2.0) minimum grade and admission to the Dental Hygiene Program Corequisite(s): DH 110 , DH 112 , DH 114 , DH 115 , DH 116 , DH 118 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 30 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: No
Outcomes and Objectives
- Perform an oral cancer examination and explain the various types of lab reports that deal with cancer.
- State the reason why hygienists must perform oral cancer exam on each patient that is seen under their care.
- Explain the following techniques for palpation:
- bidigital
- bimanual
- bilateral
- Work out an order that suits your style on the Oral Cancer T.A. that does not allow you to miss an item.
- Identify and locate the major lymph nodes of the head and neck.
- Define the terms biopsy and cytological smear.
- Explain what is meant by an incisional and excisional biopsy.
- Explain what is meant by the following lab reports:
- Class I
- Class II
- Class III
- Class IV
- Class V
- List the seven warning signs that you would inform your patient to look for when they do an Oral Cancer Exam on themselves.
- Differentiate the abnormal from normal physical characteristics that need to be recorded on a dental oral exam form and explain the various types of examinations.
- Explain the following terms:
- Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Workup
- Sign
- Symptom
- Pathognomonic
- Define the following types of examinations:
- Complete
- Screening
- Limited
- Follow-up
- Maintenance
- Explain how the following types of examination methods would be done:
- Visual
- Palpation
- Instrumentation
- Percussion
- Electrical Test
- Auscultation
- Define the term clinically normal.
- Identify the following gingival parts and be able to describe their normal appearance.
- Alveolar Mucosa
- Attached Gingiva
- Free Gingiva
- Interdental Papillae
- Recognize and diagnose digital sucking habits, deviate swallow patterns, and related orofacial dysfunctions; and discuss and demonstrate various exercises and treatments of deviate swallow and digital sucking habits.
- Define orofacial mycology and explain its role in the dental practice.
- Describe a deviate swallow and compare to a normal swallowing pattern.
- List and define three types of deviate swallows.
- List and explain at least 10 signs and symptoms of a deviate swallow.
- List at leas three causes of a deviate swallow and discuss why each one is considered a causative factor. Indicate which causes can be avoided.
- State the role of the dental hygienist in orofacial myology.
- List reasons for and against "relapse."
- List and explain other detrimental oral habits, besides thumb sucking.
- Perform a restorative and periodontal dental chart on each patient.
- Explain the following purposes for charting.
- Treatment Planning
- Counseling
- Evaluation
- Protection
- Identification
- Explain what a geometric and an anatomical dental chart mean.
- Identify the codes used at Delta College and demonstrate their use.
- Identify G.V. Black's Caries Classification
- Class I
- Class II
- Class III
- Class IV
- Class V
- Class VI
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