Jan 04, 2025  

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DH 111 - Oral Examinations

Credits: 1
Provides opportunity to practice skills necessary to perform dental charting and oral cancer examinations. Examines the various parts of dental appliances.

Prerequisite(s): DH 100  and DH 101  each with a C (2.0) minimum grade and admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DH 110 , DH 112 , DH 114 , DH 115 , DH 116 , DH 118  
Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 30
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Perform an oral cancer examination and explain the various types of lab reports that deal with cancer.
    1. State the reason why hygienists must perform oral cancer exam on each patient that is seen under their care.
    2. Explain the following techniques for palpation:
      1. bidigital
      2. bimanual
      3. bilateral
    3. Work out an order that suits your style on the Oral Cancer T.A. that does not allow you to miss an item.
    4. Identify and locate the major lymph nodes of the head and neck.
    5. Define the terms biopsy and cytological smear.
    6. Explain what is meant by an incisional and excisional biopsy.
    7. Explain what is meant by the following lab reports:
      1. Class I
      2. Class II
      3. Class III
      4. Class IV
      5. Class V
    8. List the seven warning signs that you would inform your patient to look for when they do an Oral Cancer Exam on themselves.
  2. Differentiate the abnormal from normal physical characteristics that need to be recorded on a dental oral exam form and explain the various types of examinations.
    1. Explain the following terms:
      1. Differential Diagnosis
      2. Diagnostic Workup
      3. Sign
      4. Symptom
      5. Pathognomonic
    2. Define the following types of examinations:
      1. Complete
      2. Screening
      3. Limited
      4. Follow-up
      5. Maintenance
    3. Explain how the following types of examination methods would be done:
      1. Visual
      2. Palpation
      3. Instrumentation
      4. Percussion
      5. Electrical Test
      6. Auscultation
    4. Define the term clinically normal.
    5. Identify the following gingival parts and be able to describe their normal appearance.
      1. Alveolar Mucosa
      2. Attached Gingiva
      3. Free Gingiva
      4. Interdental Papillae
  3. Recognize and diagnose digital sucking habits, deviate swallow patterns, and related orofacial dysfunctions; and discuss and demonstrate various exercises and treatments of deviate swallow and digital sucking habits.
    1. Define orofacial mycology and explain its role in the dental practice.
    2. Describe a deviate swallow and compare to a normal swallowing pattern.
    3. List and define three types of deviate swallows.
    4. List and explain at least 10 signs and symptoms of a deviate swallow.
    5. List at leas three causes of a deviate swallow and discuss why each one is considered a causative factor. Indicate which causes can be avoided.
    6. State the role of the dental hygienist in orofacial myology.
    7. List reasons for and against "relapse."
    8. List and explain other detrimental oral habits, besides thumb sucking.
  4. Perform a restorative and periodontal dental chart on each patient.
    1. Explain the following purposes for charting.
      1. Treatment Planning
      2. Counseling
      3. Evaluation
      4. Protection
      5. Identification
    2. Explain what a geometric and an anatomical dental chart mean.
    3. Identify the codes used at Delta College and demonstrate their use.
    4. Identify G.V. Black's Caries Classification
      1. Class I
      2. Class II
      3. Class III
      4. Class IV
      5. Class V
      6. Class VI

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