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DH 110 - Dental Infection Control

Credits: 2

Presents theory and application of procedures and skills necessary to control transmissible diseases. Provides opportunities to practice Universal Precautions for the patient, professional, environment, and facilities.

Prerequisite(s): Current validation for Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DH 111 , DH 112 , DH 114 , DH 115 , DH 116 , DH 118  
Lecture Hours: 15 Lab Hours: 30
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1:    Identify diseases and their characteristics and treatment protocol in order to understand the procedures used to prevent transmission
       within the 
dental office.

     A.          Describe the infectious disease process including the six essential links of the chain of disease transmission. In addition, list possible ways
                   to break this chain in a dental office.

     B.          Define the following terms:

                  1.    Dust borne organisms

                  2.    Droplet infection, Aerosols, Splatter

                  3.    Pathogen, Blood borne pathogens

                  4.    Autogenous infection

                  5.    Infection; primary, latent and recurrent

                  6.    ELISA or EIA or WB

                  7.    Carrier; Asymptomatic Carrier

                  8.    Serum marker, serologic diagnosis, seroconversion

                  9.    Prodrome

                  10.  Bacteremia

     C.          Review the following terms from your Microbiology or Medical Terminology course:

                  1.    antibody

                  2.    antigen

                  3.    communicable period

                  4.    endemic

                  5.    epidemic

                  6.    fomite horizontal or vertical

                  7.    HCW or DHCW

                  8.    immunity: passive & active

                  9.    incubation period vehicle

                  10.  pandemic

                  11.  infectious agent

                  12.  parenteral

                  13.  percutaneous

                  14.  permucosal

                  15.  replication

                  16.  retrovirus

                  17.  shedding

                  18.  STI or STD

                  19.  susceptible host

                  20.  transmission: direct, indirect

                  21.  universal precautions

                  22.  vector, biologic vector

                  23.  virulence

                  24.  micro-organisms

                  25.  window period

                  26.  CDCP

     D.         Discuss briefly general factors and procedures that increase or decrease the possibility of airborne and autogenous infection occurring.

     E.          List the following information about each disease that is numbered (Table 2-1 pp. 14-15):

                  1.    Transmission and infectious agent: a. Tuberculosis, b. Viral Hepatitis, c. AIDS, d.Herpes virus Diseases, e. Influenza, f. Measles, g.
                          Mumps, h. Syphilis, i. Gonorrhea, j. Strep Infection, k. Staph Infection, l. Pertussis

                  2.    Predisposing factors

                  3.    Incubation period

                  4.    Communicable period

                  5.    Signs and symptoms

                  6.    Clinical management

 2.    Value the need for personal general health in relationship to treating patients in the dental office. The student will have the knowledge
        and ability 
to follow the recommended procedures to prevent disease transmission  within the dental office.

     A.          Define the following terms:

                  1.    barrier protection, HCW or patient

                  2.    exposure incident

                  3.    occupational exposure

                  4.    resident bacteria

                  5.    transient bacteria

                  6.    P.P.E.

                  7.    P.P.D.

                  8.    tuberculin test

                  9.    immunization

                  10.  antimicrobial soap

                  11.  booster dose

                  12.  inoculation

                  13.  toxoid

                  14.  vaccination

                  15.  vaccine

     B.          Discuss the need and the tests that an annual medical exam should include.

     C.          List the immunizations that are needed as a health care provider. Also include if a possible booster is needed and if so how often.

     D.          Explain how the following factors alter normal defenses to disease:

                  1.    diet

                  2.    sleep

                  3.    stress

                  4.    abnormal physical conditions

                  5.    systemic disease

                  6.    drug therapy

                  7.    prosthesis and transplants

     E.          Explain how medical histories can help with infection control. Also discuss the limitation of a medical history.

     F.          List the physical barriers that are used by the operator and/or patient to prevent transmission of infectious agents. Also discuss proper
                  utilization of these barriers.

     G.         Discuss principles and facilities needed to perform proper hand washing techniques.

     H.         Demonstrate proper hand washing using the short scrub technique. Compare and contrast different hand washing techniques.

3.    Value the need for personal general health in relationship to treating patients in the dental office. The student will have the knowledge
        and ability 
to follow the recommended procedures to prevent disease transmission within the dental office.

    A.          Define the following terms:

                  1.    critical, semi-critical, noncritical and environmental surfaces

                  2.    biohazard

                  3.    bioburden, biofilm

                  4.    biological indicator

                  5.    chemical indicator

                  6.    infectious, contaminated, hazardous toxic and regulated waste

                  7.    shelf life

                  8.    sporicide

                  9.    E.P.A.

                  10.  O.S.A.P.

                  11.  O.S.H.A.

                  12.  MI.O.S.H.A.

                  13.  F.D.A.

                  14.  nosocomial infection

     B.          Review the following terms from Microbiology

                  1.    asepsis, aseptic technique, chain of asepsis

                  2.    contamination; cross or direct

                  3.    decontamination

                  4.    3 levels of disinfection

                  5.    sterilization

                  6.    sanitation

                  7.    bacteriocidal

                  8.    bacteriostatic

                  9.    antimicrobial agent

                  10.  antiseptic

                  11.  board spectrum

                  12.  infection control

     C.          Describe basic considerations and the ideal features of a dental office for infection control.

     D.         Describe (include disadvantages and advantages) and prepare instruments for autoclaving

                  and chemiclaving using the following techniques:

                  1.    Pre soak

                  2.    Manual cleaning

                  3.    Ultrasonic cleaner

                  4.    Wrap and label

                  5.    I.M.S.

     E.          Compare and contrast the following methods of sterilization:

                  1.    Moist heat-steam under pressure (autoclave)

                  2.    Dry heat

                  3.    Chemical vapor

                  4.    Ethylene oxide gas

                  5.    Chemical sterilant

     F.          Explain different systems to monitor sterilization procedures.

     G.         Compare and contrast the following chemical disinfectants:

                  1.    Glutaraldehydes

                  2.    Chlorines

                  3.    Iodophors

                  4.    Combination phenolics

     H.         Discuss the criteria for selection of a chemical agent.

     I.          Demonstrate proper disinfection and maintenance of the dental unit, operatory, and chairs.

     J.          Discuss the rationale behind using the following procedures:

                  1.    flushing lines, anti-retraction system

                  2.    disposable items

                  3.    transfers forceps for handling supplies

                  4.    preoperative tooth brushing and antiseptic rinse

                  5.    recapping

                  6.    occupational accidental exposure management

                  7.    waste disposal

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