Program Code: ABS.10282
Not all legal work requires a law degree. As a legal support professional, you may work in a variety of environments and be responsible for a variety of job duties.
You may find work directly under the supervision of a lawyer. While the lawyer assumes responsibility for the legal support professional's work, you will often be allowed to perform all the functions of a lawyer other than accepting clients, setting fees, giving legal advice, or presenting a case in court. You will generally do background work for the lawyer and help a lawyer prepare litigation for trial by investigating the facts of the case to make sure that all relevant information is uncovered. Secretarial services are normally required as well.
You may conduct research to identify the appropriate laws, judicial decisions, legal articles, and other material that will be used to determine whether or not the client has a good case. After analyzing all the information, you may prepare a written report that is used by the attorney to decide how the case should be handled. If the attorney decides to file a lawsuit on behalf of the client, you may prepare legal arguments, draft pleadings to be filed with the court, obtain affidavits, and assist the attorney during the trial. You may also be responsible for routinely typing up the pleadings and client correspondence.
You may find work in a police department, court office, administrative office, nonprofit organization, loss prevention department or human resource office of a company. Job duties in these types of environments could consist of investigative work, process serving, file maintenance, typing of routine documents, applications and pleadings, and research into appropriate administrative or employment statutes and cases.
LAW OFFICE FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE: This program is designed to provide a basic foundation of the work required for a Legal Support Professional.
LAW OFFICE SPECIALIST CERTIFICATE: This program is designed to provide advanced office skills while specializing in a legal office