Mar 10, 2025  

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OAT 273 - Document Processing: Advanced

Credits: 3
Develops proficiency in using the advanced features of MS Word to produce documents used in various business offices. Emphasizes the use of appropriate punctuation, grammar, and mechanics in business documents. Increases speed and accuracy on the computer keyboard.

Prerequisite(s): OAT 172  with a “C” (2.0) grade minimum.
Corequisite(s): None
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: Yes

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Demonstrate mastery of the efficient use of the computer.
    1. Operate the keyboard by touch with a high degree of speed and accuracy.
    2. Operate the equipment efficiently.
    3. Use software functions efficiently.
  2. Demonstrate and increase in speed and accuracy on the computer keyboard.
    1. Complete assigned exercises using skillbuilding software to increase entry-level keyboarding speed at least 6 wpm.
    2. Complete five-minute timings at a rate of at least 50 wpm with no more than five errors.
  3. Recognize and apply correct grammar and punctuation on business documents.
    1. Review standard rules of punctuation.
    2. Learn and apply standard rules for grammar such as number expression, capitalization, etc.
    3. Apply standard grammar and punctuation to business documents used in office simulations.
    4. Apply standard grammar and punctuation to the production of mailable test documents.
  4. Demonstrate mastery of the MS Word features needed to format documents used in various business offices.
    1. Review and use MS Word features covered in OAT 171  and OAT 172  for a variety of document formats.
    2. Understand point size as it pertains to font and spacing above and below paragraphs.
    3. Use the thesaurus.
    4. Insert page breaks and section breaks appropriately when formatting documents.
    5. Use, customize, and print labels.
    6. Use and modify newspaper columns.
    7. Use mail merge to create letters, envelopes, and labels.
    8. Insert and format graphical enhancements.
    9. Apply paragraph and page borders and adjust the position of the borders.
    10. Use serif and sans serif fonts appropriately for document design.
    11. Use the table feature for side-by-side column layout.
    12. Create formulas within a table to perform basic calculations.
    13. Use templates to create documents.
    14. Use styles and themes to enhance document design.
    15. Use the research task pane.
  5. Demonstrate decision-making ability when formatting and designing documents.
    1. Complete mailable documents for a variety of assigned office simulations.
    2. Use critical thinking skills to complete performance tests that require application of current formatting models to the production of complex business documents.
  6. Demonstrate efficient work habits.
    1. Attend class promptly and consistently.
    2. Follow written and oral directions.
    3. 6C. Meet established deadlines for homework projects.

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