Sep 27, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog
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DH 216W - Community Dentistry I

Credits: 2
Instructional Contact Hours: 2

Provides theoretical base for assessing, designing, implementing, and evaluating dental health improvement programs. 

Prerequisite(s): DH 124B  DH 130  DH 131  DH 135  and LWA 206B  each with a "C" (2.0) minimum grade.
Corequisite(s): DH 210W DH 213 DH 214W DH 215 DH 219W  
Lecture Hours: 30 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Compare and contrast private practice and community health approaches to care of a population.
    1. Discuss how health, public health, dental public health, target groups, access to care, socio economic status, barriers to care, roles of health care professionals, and epidemiologic trends are related to public health.
    2. Compare and contrast the roles and procedures of a private practitioner versus a public health practitioner.
    3. Describe the history and organization of dental public health.
    4. Describe historical public health achievements.
    5. Compare and contrast primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
    6. Discuss the factors affecting public health.
    7. Identify five examples of specific target groups.
    8. Compare and contrast the terms: epidemic, endemic and pandemic.
    9. Compare and contrast Public Health Goals and Public Health Services
    10. Describe Healthy People 2020.
  2. Determine how to meet the needs of various target groups.
    1. Identify barriers to care for various target groups.
    2. Identify resources and determine methods to reduce or remove barriers to care.
  3. Determine how models of care, scope of practice, and location of providers have an impact regarding access to care.
    1. Determine how scope of practice and location of providers can impact access to care.
    2. Describe how different models of care can have an impact on access to care.
    3. Compare and contrast the federal and state governmental agencies that improve access to care.
    4. Discuss how federal qualified health centers improve access to care.
    5. Compare and contrast need, demand, supply, and utilization.
  4. Identify the basic concepts of promoting health through preventive activities through dental public health programs.
    1. Compare and contrast health education and health promotion.
    2. Identify methods to provide health promotion to the community.
    3. Identify four current oral epidemiological trends.
    4. Describe the connection of health promotion and oral epidemiological trends.
    5. Identify dental programs to assist with controlling oral conditions.
    6. Describe current public health preventive programs and public health models.
    7. Defend the need for preventive modalities in dental public health.
    8. Identify four preventive procedures to implement within a dental public health program.
    9. Discuss the history of fluoridated water supply.
    10. Discuss the impact of caries rate related to fluoridated community water supply.
    11. Respect the goals, values, beliefs and preferences of the patient/client while promoting optimal oral and general health.
    12. Evaluate factors to promote patient/client adherence to disease prevention and/or health maintenance strategies.
  5. Determine a plan to assess the needs of the community.
    1. Define, differentiate and state indications for the different methods of assessment.
    2. Compare and contrast dental indices
    3. Compare and contrast characteristics of an index.
    4. Compare and contrast indices: simple, cumulative, reversible, and irreversible.
    5. Describe examinations I - IV & screenings
    6. Given a case study interpret data from indices and describe the needs of the target group.
    7. Determine the importance of oral health surveillance.
    8. Identify how oral health surveillance relates to Healthy People 2020.
    9. Determine how epidemiological trends can be used in the assessment phase of program development.
    10. Describe publications that report oral epidemiology.
    11. Identify six dental epidemiological trends.
    12. Describe how epidemiological trends may have an impact related to decision making regarding new programming.
    13. Identify the areas to assess to develop a complete community profile.
    14. Determine the importance of assessing the availability of community resources.
    15. Analyze the data gained from the assessments.
    16. Determine the priority of the issues of the community.
    17. Prioritize the issues for the community project.
    18. Identify the importance of continual surveillance of epidemiological trends regarding planning public health programming.
    19. Discuss entities on a state and national level responsible for surveillance of epidemiological trends.
  6. Assess the oral health need of the community, availability of resources, and services.
    1. Determine what is available in the community and determine the needs of the community through various assessments.
    2. Provide community oral health services in a variety of settings.
    3. Facilitate client access to oral health services by influencing individuals and/or organizations for the provision of oral health care.
    4. Evaluate the outcomes of community-based programs and plan for future activities.
  7. Utilizing assessment information develop a plan for the dental public health program(s).
    1. Describe the dental hygiene process of care as it relates to developing a community program.
    2. Develop the goal(s) of the community project.
    3. Develop specific and measurable objectives related to the program goal(s).
    4. Compare and contrast motivational theories.
    5. Compare and contrast principles of health.
    6. Compare and contrast behavior modification theories.
    7. Compare and contrast learning styles.
    8. Compare and contrast teaching styles.
    9. Discuss lesson planning related to the three levels of learning.
    10. Discuss lesson planning related to the cognitive domains.
    11. Develop a lesson plan including information, educational strategies, and activities appropriate for the project and participants
    12. Develop organizational tactics: timeframes, roles of presenters, roles of participants, and checklists of item needed.
    13. Determine the value of implementing an interdisciplinary approach to program planning.
  8. Implement the plan for the operation of a dental public health program.
    1. Identify problems and possible solutions to problems that may occur during implementation phase of a public health program.
    2. Discuss possible changes that maybe implemented during the program.
    3. Discuss qualities of an effective teacher.
    4. Demonstrate a leadership role in the community.
  9. Identify the importance of knowing research terminology, evaluating dental literature and bioethics of research.
    1. Discuss the purpose of dental hygiene research.
    2. Define terminology related to epidemiology and research.
    3. As a practicing registered dental hygienist, discuss why it is imperative to have knowledge of epidemiology and research terminology.
    4. Compare and contrast the different research designs.
    5. Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method.
    6. Discuss how research relates to evidence based practice.
    7. Provide examples of what will increase the validity of research.
    8. Discuss self-assessment and lifelong learning related to patient care.
    9. Discuss the purpose of evaluating journals and dental literature.
    10. Define the role and responsibility of the critic.
    11. Critically analyze professional journals and literature utilizing appropriate criteria.
    12. Discuss how to determine a reliable source for research information.
    13. Identify reliable sources for dental literature.
    14. Determine how identifying reliable research relates to educating patients on dental treatments and products.
    15. Discuss the importance of bioethics in research.
    16. Identify the responsibilities of an institutional review board.
    17. Discuss why informed consent is necessary related to research.
    18. Determine how non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy, paternalism, justice, and veracity relate to research.
  10. Identify the importance of continual quality improvement related to providing care.
    1. Discuss the importance of continual quality improvement for patient care.
    2. Discuss how a chart audit relates to quality assurance and risk management.
    3. Describe how chart audits may identify areas needing improvement.
    4. Discuss what has already been designed and their mechanisms to assure quality by the following agencies:
      1. Government
      2. Third party programs
      3. Professional groups
  11. Identify payment methods to fund dental treatment and dental public health programs.
    1. Compare and contrast options for payment of dental services.
    2. Identify pros and cons of the different methods of payment for dental services.
    3. Identify governmental programs assisting with payment or support of dental services.
    4. Given cost of procedures, insurance coverage and deductible calculate the patient's co-payment.
    5. Describe the relationship of the dental office participating or non-participating with an insurance company related to: usual, customary, reasonable fees, and the charges for the patient.
    6. Contrast and compare health maintenance organization, and a capitation plan.
    7. Discuss the status of the present health care reform.
  12. Recognize how US legislative process, dental rules and regulations may affect access to care.
    1. Explain the legislative process in the United States.
    2. Determine how to advocate for change to increase access to care.
    3. Discuss current legislative initiatives affecting dental hygienists.
    4. Describe the entity responsible for rules and regulations of the dental hygienist.
    5. Discuss the importance of the regulation of dentistry.
    6. Advocate for the utilization of a dental hygienist without restrictive barriers.
    7. Determine how decreasing the restrictions of a dental hygienist will improve access to care.
    8. Compare and contrast the types of supervision of dental hygienists.
  13. Discuss the impact advocacy may have within the dental community.
    1. Compare and contrast the catalyst, solution giver, resource linker and process helper related to the dental hygiene change agent.
    2. Compare and contrast: modify, alter, transform related to change.
    3. Discuss the collaborative style for reaching an agreement: prepare, affirm relationships, and understand interests.
    4. Describe the responsibility of a lobbyist.
    5. Compare and contrast the terms collaboration, networking, and partnership.
    6. Compare and contrast the terms partnership agreement and memorandum of understanding.
    7. Determine effective implementation of change while working with a team.
  14. Describe dental hygiene from a global perspective.
    1. Identify the countries with a shortage of registered dental hygienists.
    2. Compare and contrast the educational levels of dental hygienists of different countries.
    3. Discuss the decrease of regulation and increase of autonomy among dental hygienists.
    4. Compare and contrast the dental therapists and dental nurses.
    5. Compare and contrast the dental programs implemented in other countries by dental hygienists.
    6. Identify the professional education, and regulation within different countries.
  15. Discuss how to reach cultural competency.
    1. Discuss how to progress toward cultural competence.
    2. Determine why it is important to develop transcultural communication skills as a healthcare provider.
    3. Describe the term cultural blind spot syndrome.
    4. Describe how ethnocentrism relates to cultural competence.
    5. Compare and contrast the “salad bowl” and “melting pot” related to assimilation and pluralism related to cultural values.
    6. Demonstrate effective communicate skills with diverse individuals and groups.
    7. Determine how to serve all people without discrimination.
    8. Discuss the importance of having respect for all patients, their goals, values, and beliefs.
    9. Describe how complementary alternative medicine relates to cultural differences.
  16. Describe various opportunities of employment within public health and other settings.
    1. Describe positions available: Veterans Affairs, Military Bases, and Federal Prisons.
    2. Describe positions available: Dental Staffing Agencies and Health Systems.
    3. Determine positions available on a state, federal or international level.

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