Sep 27, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog
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DH 214W - Dental Materials

Credits: 4
Instructional Contact Hours: 6

Presents theory and clinical application related to properties and manipulation of dental materials and devices used in dental procedures.

Prerequisite(s): DH 124B DH 130 DH 131 DH 135  and LWA 206B  each with a "C" (2.0) minimum grade.
Corequisite(s): DH 210W DH 213 DH 215 DH 216W DH 219W  
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 45
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Demonstrate understanding of specific dental materials.
    1. Define the key words and phrases related to physical and mechanical properties
    2. Relate the physical properties of materials to their use in dentistry
    3. Explain the concept of wetting when a drop of liquid is placed on a surface
    4. Name the units of measure for density, heat capacity, stress, strain, and modulus of elasticity
    5. Explain how proportional limit, elastic limit and yield point are related
    6. Give examples of each type of stress found in everyday life
    7. Describe situations in which dental materials are subjected to bending stresses when in function.
    8. Compare and contrast toughness and hardness by describing examples
    9. Explain the difference between stress, relaxation and creep
    10. Discuss the phenomenon of stress concentration, and compare its effects on a poorly placed amalgam restoration as well as on a properly placed one.
  2. Describe specific physical and mechanical properties of various Impression materials
    1. Describe the use of impression materials during indirect restorative procedures
    2. List the desirable qualities of an impression material
    3. Differentiate between a model, a cast and a die
    4. Describe various impression trays
    5. List the oral structures from which impressions are made
    6. Differentiate between Elastic/Inelastic and Reversible/Irreversible impression materials
    7. Describe the composition and setting mechanism of various impression materials
    8. Compare the properties, use, and cost of various impression materials
    9. Describe the effect of water temperature on the setting rate of alginate
    10. Describe the effect of water and heat on the setting rate of polysulfides
    11. Recall the reasons for using addition silicone impression material
    12. Summarize the steps in preparing the putty (tray) and wash (syringe) material for an addition silicone impression
  3. Describe the specific physical and mechanical properties of gypsum materials
    1. Discuss major differences between dental plaster, stone and improved stone
    2. Explain the meaning of initial and final setting times
    3. Discuss how to increase and decrease the setting times of gypsum products
    4. Discuss wet and dry strength as it relates to gypsum products
    5. Summarize the recommended technique for use of gypsum products for measuring, mixing, and filling the impression utilizing hand and vacuum mixing
    6. Differentiate the difference between fabrication of a diagnostic cast and a study model
    7. Describe, in order, the cast cuts that are used to trim a study model for patient consultation and dental treatment planning
    8. Explain the laboratory safety procedures and necessary equipment for use in the laboratory mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  4. Explain the oral environment in relationship to the selection, standards, and various classifications of dental materials
    1. Summarize the reasons why a dental  hygienist should be knowledgeable in the science of dental materials
    2. Explain the difference between biomaterials and dental materials
    3. Identify characteristics or properties a dental material must possess to survive in the oral environment
    4. Explain the ADA, FDA, and ISO's roles in evaluating and/or classifying dental drugs, materials, instruments, and equipment
    5. Discuss ways dental materials may be classified
    6. Discuss the locations of various cavity classifications and select an appropriate material for each location.
  5. Discuss dental materials using scientific terminology in relationship to their properties
    1. Recall the differentiating characteristics of each phase, regarding the varying amounts of attraction between molecules and atoms, into which materials are classified
    2. Explain the basic differences between primary and secondary bonds
    3. Describe the differences between various primary bonds
    4. Summarize the similarities and differences of secondary bonds, which include permanent dipoles, hydrogen bonds, and fluctuating dipoles
    5. Contrast the bonding characteristics of metals, ceramics, plastics and composites
    6. Compare any similarities and differences of colloids and emulsions.
  6. Describe various physical and mechanical properties of Direct Polymeric Restorative Materials and adhesives
    1. Differentiate between polymerization and addition polymerization
    2. Summarize the steps in addition polymerization
    3. Discuss polymerization shrinkage, coefficient of thermal expansion and abrasion resistance in relationship to restorative resins
    4. Summarize the relationship between a filler particle, the matrix, and the coupling agent of a composite restorative material.
    5. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of light-activated and chemically activated composite materials.
    6. Explain the importance of proper eye protection when light-curing dental materials.
    7. Relate the importance of each step in placing dental composites
    8. Summarize the properties of filler particles found in dental composites
    9. Explain briefly the reason for  the development of flowable and condensable composites
    10. Assess the positive and negative characteristics of light-cure and chemical-cure glass ionomer cements
    11. Discuss the similarities between compomers, glass ionomers, and composites
    12. Describe a dental adhesive
    13. Compare micromechanical bonding and macromechanical bonding using examples
    14. Recall benefits the patient receives from restorations that are bonded to tooth structure
    15. Compare the differences between the microanatomy of enamel and dentin regarding etching and bonding
    16. Discuss earlier fallacies about dentinal bonding and how research has changed current practice
    17. Summarize the differences between glass ionomer cements and dentinal bonding
  7. Describe various physical and mechanical properties of Amalgam
    1. Differentiate between an amalgam alloy and a dental amalgam
    2. Compare the composition of conventional and high-copper dental amalgams
    3. Describe the function of the major elements of dental amalgams
    4. Discuss the self –sealing property of amalgam
    5. Describe the various shapes of amalgam alloy particles
    6. Describe the effect of moisture contamination on amalgam
    7. Compare properties of direct gold restorations
    8. Discuss the trituration and setting processes
    9. Describe the reactions involved in both conventional and high-copper amalgams
    10. Recall the composition, relative strength, and relative corrosion resistance of the four most common amalgam phases
  8. Describe the properties of acrylic resins used in constructing removable prostheses
    1. List the uses of acrylic resins in dentistry
    2. Explain the physical and chemical stages of polymerization of acrylic resins
    3. Describe the function of the components of heat activated and chemically activated acrylic resin systems
    4. Describe the steps in involved in construction of a denture
    5. Summarize the procedures used to reline a denture
    6. Explain the dental hygienist’s role in maintenance of an acrylic prosthesis
    7. Describe an effective infection control protocol for handling dental appliances that are transferred between a dental office and office lab/commercial lab
    8. Explain and demonstrate the procedure for disinfecting dentures and other dental appliances after they have been processed or adjusted
    9. Describe the infection control protocol that must be followed when grinding or polishing dentures
    10. Review the preferred method of sterilizing or disinfecting instruments or items used during manipulation of prostheses
  9. Summarize the factors in selecting and applying various polishing materials for patient care
    1. Define various terms related to polishing materials
    2. Recall the common abrasives that may be used for clinical or laboratory procedures
    3. Compare and contrast examples of polishing procedures that exemplify two-body and three-body abrasion
    4. Summarize factors that may influence the dental hygienist’s selection of polishing materials for patient care based on the rate of abrasion
    5. Discuss the reasons why tooth structure and restorations are polished
    6. List the steps, scratches produced and wavelength of visible light of the polishing process
    7. Describe the differences between selective polishing and essential selective polishing
    8. Describe the characteristics of an acceptable prophylaxis paste
    9. Identify the types of restorations that cannot be polished with an air powder polisher
    10. Identify the restorative materials, dental tissues, and periodontal tissues that are compatible with various air polishing powders
  10. Identify various dental materials and tissues utilizing radiographs
    1. Explain, radiographically, why dental tissues and materials appear radiopaque or radiolucent
    2. Integrate the radiographic appearance of dental tissues and materials with clinical information to assess the patient’s status of health or disease
  11. Compare and contrast mixing procedures of various dental cements based on their properties for various dental procedures
    1. Describe various uses of dental cements
    2. Explain the importance of adhesion and microleakage of dental cements
    3. Describe the use of a cavity varnish or cavity sealer
    4. Describe the differences between the two cement powders and three cement liquids
    5. Explain the setting reaction of a typical dental cement
    6. Discuss the properties, based on properties of the liquid and powder, of various dental cements
    7. Summarize the mixing process for Zinc-oxide-eugenol (ZOE), non-eugenol zinc oxide, Zinc Phosphate, Polycarboxylate, and Glass Ionomer cements
    8. List the information recorded in the patient’s chart when removing a periodontal dressing
    9. Differentiate between various types of periodontal dressings
    10. Describe the use and advantages of a resin composite cement
    11. Recall the approximate mixing and setting times for the various liners, bases, and cements
    12. State the appropriate cleaning agent to remove various cements from mixing armamentarium before the material sets
  12. Explain the complexity of determining the vitality of the pulp of a tooth
    1. List the clinical and radiographic observations that suggest loss of vitality of a tooth
    2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of pulp testing
    3. Compare and contrast the various pulp tests
    4. Explain the need for other assessment data to determine if a tooth is non-vital
  13. Compare and contrast construction of various oral appliances  for patient use based on properties of the thermoplastic material selected
    1. List the different oral appliances used in dentistry
    2. Describe the reasons for the use of various oral appliances
    3. Discuss the properties of different thermoplastic materials used in the fabrication of oral appliances
    4. Explain the steps involved in fabricating various oral appliances
    5. Describe the proper maintenance of oral appliances
    6. Formulate a script that may be used for patient education regarding oral appliances
  14. Effectively provide lab services for the patient. 
    1. Implement the dental hygiene process of care during all steps of the lab procedures.
    2. Demonstrate proficiency in placement/removal of the rubber dam according to specified criteria on utilizing appropriate armamentarium and standard precautions according to specified criteria at stated competencies
    3. Identify corrosion of and demonstrate proficiency in polishing an amalgam restoration on an extracted tooth utilizing the proper armamentarium according to the specified criteria at the stated competency
    4. Demonstrate proficiency in fabrication and trimming of Orthodontic Plaster/Stone study models for patient case presentation utilizing safety protocol with appropriate equipment according to specified criteria at the stated competency
    5. Demonstrate proficiency in constructing and evaluating a mouthguard for a classmate according to specified criteria utilizing appropriate equipment, safety protocol and standard precautions at the stated competency
    6. Demonstrate proficiency in placement and removal of periodontal dressing according to specified criteria utilizing appropriate armamentarium and standard precautions at the stated competency
    7. Demonstrate proficiency in constructing and evaluating whitening trays according to specified criteria utilizing appropriate equipment, safety protocol and standard precautions at the stated competency
    8. Demonstrate proficiency in placement of sealant material on a treatment planned tooth according to specified criteria utilizing appropriate armamentarium, 4-handed dentistry, and standard precautions at the stated competencies
    9. Demonstrate proficiency in maxillary and mandibular alginate impression procedures on and evaluate the impressions according to specific criteria utilizing standard precautions at the stated competency.
    10. Demonstrate proficiency in pulp testing on a vital tooth according to specified criteria utilizing the electrical pulp tester and standard precautions at the stated competency
    11. Demonstrate proficiency in mixing Zinc Oxide Eugenol (ZOE) to various consistencies according to specified criteria at the stated competencies.
    12. Demonstrate proficiency in placement of a temporary restoration of a Class V prepared plastic tooth and evaluate the final product according to the specified criteria at the stated competency.
    13. Summarize the dental hygiene scope of practice for the State of Michigan related to lab services.

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