Feb 13, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

Dental Assisting - Advanced Certificate

Program Code: CHA.35512

As a graduate of this program, you will be prepared to assist the dentist in diagnostic, operative, restorative, preventive and surgical procedures, as well as perform independent duties once you pass the RDA exam. Registered Dental Assistants in Michigan place and carve amalgam restorations; do selective coronal polishing; place sealants, fluoride, periodontal dressings, temporary crowns, dental dams, cavity liners and bases, orthodontic elastics and ligatures and arch wires; take impressions and radiographs; remove sutures; provide patient education; perform business office, laboratory and infection control duties. Opportunities are available for full-time and part-time employment in private dental offices and clinics as well as military, sales, research, and teaching. Salary depends on experience, duties and responsibility, geographic location and individual employer. Employment opportunities are comparable to the economy within the Great Lakes Bay Region and the state of Michigan. You should display the following positive attributes; manual dexterity; physical and mental health; vision; communication skill; ability to work as a team member; ability to follow directions; professional judgment and conduct; neat work habits; professional appearance and maintain personal hygiene; commitment to continuing education. Upon completing this program, you are eligible to take the certification exam of the Dental Assisting National Board to become a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) and the Michigan Department of Community Health exam to become a Registered Dental Assistant ( RDA). This program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association.

Fall or Winter First Year:

Total Semester Credits: 11

Full or Part-Time Tracks

Upon completion of BIO 140W  or equivalents, COM 112W , and ENG 111  or OAT 151  with a “C” (2.0) minimum grade students will select whether they will register for the full-time track or the part-time track. Both are listed blow.

Dental Assisting Full-Time Track

Dental Assisting Part-Time Track

Total Semester Credits: 6

Total Semester Credits: 6

Spring First Year: PT

Total Semester Credits: 2

Total Semester Credits: 9

Total Semester Credits: 14

Total Semester Credits: 13

Total Credits: 60


  1. Due to the limited capacity of the Delta College dental facilities and the specific requirements of the Commission on Accreditation of Dental and Dental Auxiliary Educational Programs, enrollment is limited. Approximately 20 students are accepted for DA courses each Fall semester.
  2. The following courses must be completed prior to taking any DA course: BIO 140W  or BIO 152W  and BIO 153W COM 112W , and ENG 111   or OAT 151   with a “C” (2.0) minimum grade.
  3. Validation is not required for the Dental Assisting Advanced Certificate or AAS.
  4. This program can be completed in a Full-Time Track of Part-Time Track. It is highly recommended you contact the Program Coordinator at 989-686-9483 to discuss registration.
  5. HSC 140  can be taken prior to enrollment in the program for CPR certification. However CPR certification must be current for the duration of the program. CPR certification is also required for the Certification Exam and the Registered Dental Assistant Exam.
  6. According to State rules and regulations, licensure may be delayed or denied depending on the history of convictions involving felonies, misdemeanors, and/or involving controlled substances (including traffic violations). Questions dealing with this issue should be directed to the Michigan State Office of Health Services at (517) 335-0918.
  7. Background check is required prior to applying for licensure.
  8. Once enrolled in the DA course sequence students are required to complete health requirements including but not limited to 1) physical exam with completion of physical form, 2) current CPR certification for the healthcare provider/professional rescuer which must remain current through the program and is required for the Licensing/Certification Exams, 3) an annual TB skin test, 4) immunization records including MMR, Td/Tdap, Varicella, and Hepatitis B or signed waiver. These requirements will be discussed at the required orientation.  All certifications and immunizations must be up-to-date and remain current throughout the program. A Hepatitis B vaccination is strongly recommended by the faculty and by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
  9. In addition to tuition, fees, and textbook costs, students should plan for the following expenses once enrolled in the DA course sequence: immunizations and CPR certification to meet health requirements, laboratory coats, clinic shoes, scrubs, safety glasses, supplies, board examination fees, Association dues, transportation and possible parking fees, and additional miscellaneous purchases.  
  10. Students are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from various dental office and internship assignments. Sites may not be in your community.
  11. Students must supply their own patients DA 123LW .
  12. Students must achieve a “C” (2.0) minimum grade in each DA course to be eligible to continue enrollment in this program.
  13. Students pursuing the General Management ABS it is preferred you take OAT 151  and OAT 152 .