Mar 31, 2025
ENG 111A - College Composition and Reading and Writing StrategiesCredits: 3 Instructional Contact Hours: 5
Develops fluent, effective, and confident writers. Offers students experience in using an effective writing process and technology to produce formal, college-level texts. Uses reading and language awareness to further their development of writing as well as practice the use of critical thinking skills in reading and writing and be introduced to basic research skills related to academic writing.
Prerequisite(s): ENG 099 , RDG 093W , RDG 097W , WRT 090 , or WRT 098 with a grade “C” or higher, OR Guided Self Placement recommendation in ENG 111 or ENG 111A Corequisite(s): None Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 30 Meets MTA Requirement: English Comp Pass/NoCredit: Yes
Outcomes and Objectives
- Produce formal, first-year college-level writing
- Demonstrate awareness of the rhetorical situation
- Select, organize, present details to support a thesis statement
- Employ the appropriate writing conventions
- Use writing processes to generate, organize ideas effectively
- Use technology to communicate ideas effectively
- Practice critical thinking in writing tasks
- Demonstrate an understanding of the aspects of an essay
- Express clear articulation of important ideas
- Demonstrate an understanding of revision
- Respond to the rhetorical situation in a text
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between language, knowledge, and power
- Practice critical thinking in reading tasks
- Analyze the rhetorical situation in a text
- Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between one’s interpretation of a text and the author’s intended meaning
- Identify how meaning is communicated in a piece of text
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between language, knowledge, and power
- Practice basic research skills
- Access, analyze, evaluate credible sources for a specific purpose
- Attribute source material appropriately
- Paraphrase, summarize accurately, incorporating source material into a text effectively
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