Mar 15, 2025
DMS 202 - Ultrasound Seminar ICredits: 4 Presents basic techniques and protocols for invasive and intraoperative sonography. Looks at advanced sonographic imaging procedures, new advances in the field of sonography, and the fundamental elements for maintaining an ultrasound department.
Prerequisite(s): DMS 112 , DMS 113 , DMS 114 , DMS 115 , DMS 116W , and DMS 117W each with a “B” (3.0) minimum grade Corequisite(s): DMS 201 , DMS 206W , DMS 207 , LWA 206B , and LWA 206C Lecture Hours: 60 Lab Hours: 0 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: No
Outcomes and Objectives
- Demonstrate skills in research analysis and presentation.
- Explain how to find literature and books on particular medical subjects.
- Extrapolate information in a particular ultrasound subject and organize it into informative oral and/or written presentations.
- Develop cognitive writing skills needed to prepare case reports, technical articles and abstracts relating to sonography.
- Recognize abnormal sonographic anatomy of the fetal skeletal system.
- Discuss development of the fetal skeleton.
- Know how to obtain fetal skeletal parameters.
- Describe the approach to the sonographic evaluation of a fetus with skeletal dysplasia.
- Recognize the sonographic findings with the various lethal and non-lethal skeletal defects.
- Differentiate between the various limb reduction defects and associated conditions.
- Discuss sonographic findings of hand and foot deformities.
- List skeletal findings associated with aneuploidy.
- Recognize normal and abnormal sonographic anatomy of the fetal heart.
- Describe scanning techniques to obtain images of fetal heart anatomy.
- List the views and anatomy included in an evaluation of the fetal heart.
- Recognize structural anomalies of the fetal heart.
- Describe the findings with cardiomyopathy.
- Describe the normal orientation of the heart within the fetal chest.
- Correlate pathology of the fetal heart with chromosomal anomalies.
- Discuss sonographic evaluation of fetal heart arrhythmias.
- Demonstrate understanding of the numerous chromosomal abnormalities along with their sonographic findings.
- Identify chromosomal abnormalities along with their associated anomalies.
- Explain the association of the single umbilical cord with fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
- Explain the association of IUGR with fetal chromosomal abnormalities.
- Describe the approach to sonographic assessment of patients with chromosomal abnormalities.
- Demonstrate understanding of normal sonographic anatomy in musculoskeletal imaging.
- Identify normal anatomy of the rotator cuff.
- Discuss the scanning technique for the rotator cuff.
- Recognize preoperative abnormalities of the rotator cuff.
- Recognize postoperative appearances of the rotator cuff.
- Discuss pitfalls in rotator cuff scanning.
- Identify basic muscleskeletal anatomy of the following:
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Hand and wrist
- Knee
- Foot and ankle
- Discuss the sonographic appearance of complete and incomplete tears.
- Discuss the sonographic appearance of muscleskeletal inflammation.
- Discuss other imaging modalities for muscleskeletal imaging.
- Explain the imaging technique for scanning the pediatric hip.
- Recognize normal and abnormal anatomy of the spinal cord.
- Describe a tethered spinal cord.
- List malformations of the spinal cord and recognize their sonographic appearance.
- Discuss the role of sonography in evaluating and treating infertility.
- Discuss epidemiology of infertility.
- Describe the normal reproductive process.
- Discuss ultrasound diagnosis of conditions leading to infertility.
- Describe the use of ultrasound in follicular tracking.
- Discuss techniques for induction of ovulation.
- Understand the role of ultrasound in assisted reproductive technologies.
- Recognize complications of ovarian hyperstimulation.
- Define GIFT and ZIFT.
- Practice skills in image interpretation and case analysis.
- Use appropriate sonographic terms to describe pathology.
- Demonstrate the proper method for documenting pathological findings.
- Analyze a sonographic case to determine pathology differentials.
- Identify key pathology differentials based on patient clinical data and sonographic findings.
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