Mar 15, 2025  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DMS 201 - Introduction to Neurologic and Vascular Sonography

Credits: 3
Provides an overview of sonographic imaging of the neonatal and infant brain. Includes normal and abnormal anatomy and sonographic patterns. Looks at basic vascular ultrasound with emphasis on normal anatomy, imaging techniques, and basic pathology.

Prerequisite(s): DMS 112 , DMS 113 , DMS 114 , DMS 115 , DMS 116W , and DMS 117W  each with a "B" (3.0) minimum grade.
Corequisite(s): DMS 202 , DMS 206W , DMS 207 , LWA 206B , and LWA 206C  
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Understand normal and abnormal sonographic findings of the neonatal and infant brain.
    1. Describe sonographic techniques in neurological imaging.
    2. Differentiate between coronal and sagittal brain scans.
    3. Recognize the normal developmental anatomy with sonographic findings.
    4. List the various disorders of neural tube closure along with their associated findings.
    5. Differentiate between alobar, semilobar, and lobar holoprosencephaly.
    6. Define Schizencephaly.
    7. Describe three destructive lesions of the neonatal brain.
    8. Discuss the sonographic findings and etiologies of hydrocephalus.
    9. Describe the four grades of hemorrhage.
    10. Define periventricular leukomalacia.
    11. Discuss the sonographic findings of infection.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of abdominal and vascular Doppler imaging.
    1. List the reasons to obtain a doppler scan of the abdomen.
    2. Describe the protocol in evaluating the following:
      1. Renal Transplants
      2. Cirrhotic Liver Disease
      3. Assessment of High-Risk Pregnancy
      4. Liver Transplants
    3. Identify the formula for resistive index.
    4. Describe the basic Doppler waveform of the following vessels:
      1. Aorta
      2. IVC
      3. Renal Arteries
      4. Hepatic Arteries
      5. Portal Veins
      6. Celiac Axis
      7. SMA
    5. Describe the techniques used to obtain Doppler images of the abdomen.
    6. Correlate Doppler findings with vascular tumors.
    7. Discuss the protocol of a carotid artery Doppler exam.
    8. Recognize normal and abnormal parameters of a carotid artery doppler exam.
    9. Discuss the protocol of a lower extremity venous duplex exam.
    10. Identify the following lower extremity vessels:
      1. Common Femoral Vein
      2. Superficial Femoral Vein
      3. Deep Femoral Vein
      4. Saphenous Vein
      5. Popliteal Vein
      6. Femoral Artery
    11. Define Baker's cyst.
    12. Define spectral broadening.
    13. Discuss techniques to adjust the doppler image.
    14. Describe “reverse flow.”
    15. Define aliasing.
  3. Discuss advances in the field of sonography.
    1. Discuss the need for contrast agents in ultrasound.
    2. Describe the type of contrast agents used in sonography.
    3. Discuss the impact of contrast enhancement.
    4. List artifacts found in conrast studies and techniques to avoid them.
    5. Describe new developments in contrast imaging.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of fundamental elements for establishing and operating an ultrasound department.
    1. List the main criteria for a quality assurance and improvement program.
    2. Discuss how a quality assurance program would be established and operated.
    3. Discuss record maintenance of an imaging department.
    4. Discuss fiscal management of an imaging department.
    5. Outline specifications for a hypothetical ultrasound lab.
    6. Explain criteria used in determining what types of ultrasound equipment should be purchased for specific needs.
    7. Describe methods for establishing and maintaining a teaching file system for the purpose of continuing education and improvement in accuracy of diagnosis.
    8. Discuss personnel management in an imaging department.
    9. Outline basic trends in health care systems.

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