Feb 08, 2025  

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SCI 250 - Research Project In Science

Credits: 2-6
Provides the opportunity to carry out original scientific research, integrating critical thinking with scientific principles and professional skills. Requires completion of a final research report which includes problem identification, procedure documentation, data analysis, and conclusions. Evaluation will be handled by the faculty and/or a team of experts. The minimum requirement is two credits. Beneficial to all science majors in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering.

Prerequisite(s): READING LEVEL 2 and WRITING LEVEL 2 and MATH LEVEL 2 and SCI 249  or SCI 249A  and instructor permission.
Corequisite(s): None
Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 30-90
Meets MTA Requirement: Natural Science Lab
Pass/NoCredit: Yes

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of how to complete a suitable scientific research project.
    1. Perform scientific research with well-defined goals and objectives
    2. Design a project that applies and develops an understanding of in-depth scientific concepts.
    3. Produce research that integrates a variety of methods and instrumentation that reinforces scientific skills and knowledge.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of laboratory safety and maintenance.
    1. Complete the agreement provided after reading the safety pr otocols and regulations of the science laboratory.
    2. Conduct safe lab procedures and recognize common laboratory hazards.
    3. Identify and locate all safety features within the laboratory (eye wash fountains, fire extinguishers, fire alarms fire blankets, etc.).
    4. Read procedures on a safe and ethical use of equipment and instrumentation used in the laboratory acknowledge your agreement by filling up the form provided.
    5. Dispose of all waste materials properly (chemicals, sharps, broken glassware), if necessary review Safety Data Sheets.
    6. Use personal protection (e.g. goggles, gloves, lab coat) properly.
    7. Clean up all work areas and return all equipment to designated areas before leaving the laboratory.
    8. Report any accidents, incidents or breakages immediately.
  3. Record experimental work to promote learning of good laboratory
    1. Locate Safety Data Sheets as needed.
    2. Use a laboratory notebook to communicate experimental concepts and results.
    3. Record and analyze the data and results of an experiment.
    4. Produce reports to inform others of your progress in the laboratory.
  4. Write a research/technical paper that effectively communicates scientific results.
    1. Present data in graphs, tables, figures and interpret scientific results.
    2. Compare scientific results to literature information and controls.
    3. Conclude appropriately from scientific observations and results.
    4. Assess the work and if it should be extended or provide reason for the lack of recommendations.
    5. Acknowledge specific people, including their title, who contributed significantly to the project.

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