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RT 126 - Clinical Education I

Credits: 3

Provides the opportunity in the clinical setting to apply and practice skills learned.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Respiratory Care program.
Corequisite(s): RT 117 , RT 118 , RT 121 , and RT 131  
Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 120
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1.     Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.         Identify the five branches of microbiology.

     B.          Explain the basic classifications of bacteria.

     C.          Identify and describe the most common pathogens in the following categories:

                  1.    Bacteria

                  2.    Viruses

     D.         State examples of diseases caused by the major pathogenic bacteria.

     E.          State examples of diseases caused by the major pathogenic viruses.

     F.          Describe and give examples of diseases caused by the following microorganisms:

     G.         Describe and give examples of diseases caused by the major pathogenic fungi.

     H.         State common protozoal infections.

                  1.    Rickettsiae

                  2.    Chlamydiae

                  3.    Mycoplasmas

 2.    Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.          Describe the three elements that must be present or an infection to spread.

     B.          Describe the major routes of pathogen transmission

     C.          Identify the three major routes for the spread of infection into the lung.

     D.          Explain how infection control aims to break the chain of events leading to the spread of infections.

     E.          Describe the procedure for the following methods of eliminating the source of pathogens:

                  1.    Cleaning

                  2.    Disinfection

                  3.    Sterilization

     F.          Describe the following infection control techniques used to:

                  1.    Maintain in-use equipment

                  2.    Process reusable equipment

                  3.    Protect fluids and medications

     G.         Explain the current use of disposable equipment to control the spread of infection.

     H.         Describe and demonstrate appropriate use of general barrier techniques of infection control:

     I.           Describe the current CDC recommendations for isolation precautions in hospitals:

     J.          Give examples of diseases/conditions where the different precautions would be needed.

     K.          Describe acceptable modifications to the isolation categories.

     L.          Describe and demonstrate appropriate use of the barrier precautions required/ recommended for use during invasive procedures.

     M.         Describe the key components of a departmental bacteriologic surveillance program.

3.    Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.          Define the following terms:

                  1.    Drug

                  2.    Medication

                  3.    Pharmacology

                  4.    Pharmacy

     B.          Explain the Receptor Theory of drug action.

     C.          Explain the following terms regarding drug therapy:

                  1.    Drug side effects

                  2.    Adverse effects

                  3.    Affinity

                  4.    Agonists

                  5.    Partial agonists

                  6.    Antagonist

                  7.    Threshold level

                  8.    Potency

                  9.    Tolerance

                  10.  Tachyphylaxis

                  11.  Additive Effect

                  12.  Potentiation

     D.         Identify what is required for a complete order for medication.

     E.          List what should be checked prior to administering any medication.

     F.           Describe the routes of administration for medication and give advantages or disadvantages of each.

     G.         Characterize both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous systems.

     H.          Explain the function of neurotransmitters.

     I.           Describe the effects of the following sympathetic effector site receptors:

                  1.    Alpha

                  2.    Beta1

                  3.    Beta2

     J.          Describe the mechanism of bronchodilation.

     K.          List the side effects of sympathomimetics and their cause.

     L.          List the trade name, strength, relative effects, standard dosage, and duration of action of the following sympathomimetics.

                  1.    Epinephrine

                  2.    Racemic Epinephrine

                  3.    Isoproterenol

                  4.    Isoetharine

                  5.    Metaproterenol

                  6.    Terbutaline

                  7.    Albuterol

                  8.    Pirbuterol

                  9.    Salmeterol

     M.         Describe the mechanism of action and side effects of xanthines.

     N.          Give the therapeutic serum level for Theophylline.

     O.         Explain the mechanism or action of the parasympatholytics.

     P.          Describe the side effects of parasympatholytics.

     Q.         List the trade name name, strength, and standard dosage of pratropium Bromide.

     R.          Describe the use of:

                  1.    Steroids

                  2.    Cromolyn Sodium

     S.          Define mucokinesis and describe the use of diluting agents and mucolytics.

     T.          Calculate drug dosages and dilutions.

4.    Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.          Define the following terms:

                  1.    Eupnea

                  2.    Hypopnea

                  3.    Hyperpnea

                  4.    Bradypnea

                  5.    Tachypnea

                  6.    Orthopnea

                  7.    Apnea

                  8.    Dyspnea

     B.          Describe the following respiratory patterns and give an example of a disease or lesion which may cause it:

                  1.    Cheyne-Stokes

                  2.    Central neurogenic hyperventilation

                  3.    Kussmaul

                  4.    Apneusis

                  5.    Biot's

     C.          Describe and explain what may be detected by each of the following techniques:

                  1.    Inspection (Observation)

                  2.    Palpation

                  3.    Percussion

                  4.    Auscultation

     D.          Describe how tactile or vocal fremitus are used in the evaluation of the chest.

     E.          Explain the use of the stethoscope.

     F.          Describe characteristics of the following normal breath sounds:

                  1.    Vesicular

                  2.    Tracheal

                  3.    Bronchial

                  4.    Bronchovesicular

     G.         Describe characteristics of adventitious breath sounds:

                  1.    Crackles (Rales)

                  2.    Rhonchi

                  3.    Wheezes

                  4.    Stridor

                  5.    Pleural rub

     H.         Explain the use of the following voice sounds:

                  1.    Whispering pectoriloquy

                  2.    Bronchopony

                  3.    Egophony

     I.          Summarize typical physical findings in the following common respiratory diseases:

                  1.    Consolidation

                  2.    Atelectasis

                  3.    Pleural effusion

                  4.    Empyema

                  5.    Pneumothorax

                  6.    Asthma

                  7.    Emphysema

     J.           Describe the mechanisms that produce normal and abnormal heart sounds.

     K.          Explain those mechanisms that produce changes in the normal heart sounds.

     L.          Describe the physical characteristics of the following types of sputum:

                  1.    Normal

                  2.    Mucoid

                  3.    Purulent

     M.         Explain what may be indicated if sputum takes on the following colors:

                  1.    Yellow

                  2.    Green

                  3.    Brown

                  4.    Red

     N.         Perform an appropriate chest physical exam utilizing the skills covered in this unit.

 5.    Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.          Define and state the goals of chest physiotherapy.

     B.          Describe the following techniques to promote bronchial hygiene:

                  1.    Postural drainage

                  2.    Percussion

                  3.    Vibration

     C.          Perform appropriate:

                  1.    Postural drainage

                  2.    Percussion

                  3.    Vibration

     D.         Describe the clinical indications for and give examples of diseases often requiring postural drainage.

     E.         Describe the precautions and relative contraindications to postural drainage.

     F.          Describe the precautions and relative contraindications to percussion and vibration.

     G.         Identify the three lobes of the right lung and their corresponding (ten) segments.

     H.         Identify the two lobes of the left lung and their corresponding (eight) segments.

     I.           Describe the twelve positions for draining the various lung segments.

     J.          Give an appropriate rationale for choosing a particular sequence when draining various lung segments.

     K.          Explain and demonstrate appropriate patient instruction for:

                  1.    Pursed lip breathing

                  2.    Diaphragmatic breathing

                  3.    An effective cough

     L.          Explain the physiologic basis for Incentive Spirometry (IS)/Sustained Maximal Inspiration (SMI).

     M.         Describe the indications, contraindications, hazards, and complications of IS/SMI.

     N.          Describe the equipment utilized for IS/SMI.

     O.          Demonstrate the ability to perform appropriate IS/SMI therapy.

     P.           Make modifications to a respiratory care plan based on the patient’s response to IS/SMI and chest physical therapy.

6.    Demonstrate, through successful completion of written examination and/or return demonstration, the ability to:

     A.          Define each of the following:

                  1.    Laryngotracheobronchitis

                  2.    Epiglottitis

     B.          For each of the above, describe the:

                  1.    Etiology

                  2.    Onset

                  3.    Usual age of onset

                  4.    Clinical presentation

                  5.    X-ray findings

                  6.    Treatment

     C.          Define the term “asthma” and describe its:

                  1.    Etiology

                  2.    Incidence

                  3.    Pathophysiology

                  4.    Clinical presentation

                  5.    Treatment

     D.         Describe each of the following regarding cystic fibrosis:

                  1.    Etiology

                  2.    Pathophysiology

                  3.    Diagnosis

                  4.    CXR

                  5.    Clinical presentation

                  6.    Treatment

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