Feb 19, 2025  

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PSY 211HW - Introduction to Psychology - Honors

Credits: 4

Studies the scientific principles underlying behavior and mental processes by applying the major theoretical perspectives in psychology. Explores basic research methods, biopsychology, personality, learning, cognition, human development, social/cultural influences, stress and coping, perception, motivation, states of consciousness, psychological disorders and treatment. Provides opportunities to engage in independent intellectual inquiry to foster deeper learning. Credit may be earned in only one of the following: PSY 211W , PSY 211HW, or PSY 211CW .

Prerequisite(s): READING LEVEL 4 and WRITING LEVEL 4 or permission of the Honors Office.
Corequisite(s): None
Lecture Hours: 60 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: Social Science
Pass/NoCredit: Yes

Outcomes and Objectives 1. Describe key concepts, principles, or overarching themes in psychology.

    A.  Use psychological terminology and concepts accurately to explain behavior and mental processes.

    B.  Demonstrate an understanding of the power of the context (including the sociocultural context) in shaping conclusions about    

         individual behavior (e.g., personality traits, abilities).

    C.  Identify key characteristics and principles of major content domains (e.g., neuroscience, learning, memory) in psychology.

    D.  Relate major historical events, theoretical perspectives, and figures in psychology to trends in contemporary research.

2.  Demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry.

A.  Critically evaluate the quality of research including asking relevant questions to gather information about scientific claims.

B.  Explain the scientific foundations in psychology, including the advantages and disadvantages of the various experimental and non-experimental research methodologies.

C. Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice.

3.  Describe practical applications of psychology.

A. Identify factors that influence psychological and physical health.

B. Identify antecedents and consequences of behavior and mental processes.

C.Understand individual and sociocultural differences and how they influence beliefs, values, and interactions.

4. Utilize effective writing to show an understanding of basic psychological concepts.

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