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DA 123LW - Dental Radiology Lab

Credits: 2

Provides laboratory practice in the application of commonly used dental radiographic procedures utilizing mannequins and clinic patients.

Prerequisite(s): DA 106W , DA 113W , DA 117W , and HSC 140  with a "C" (2.0) minimum grade in each
Corequisite(s): DA 123W  
Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 60
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1.     Recognize and operate X-ray equipment.

     A.          Recognize and operate radiographic lab equipment.

     B.          Explain and follow lab procedures.

2.    Describe the technique and rationale for exposing BW's film.

     A.          Describe patient positioning for BW’s.

     B.          Describe the purpose of BW’s.

     C.          Describe intraoral placement of film for bitewings.

3.    Expose bitewing films of DXTRR    

     A.          Given a simulated patient (DXTRR), position the film for any bitewing projection.

     B.          Adjust horizontal and vertical tube angulation.

     C.          Develop radiographic competence according to evaluation checklist for bitewings.

     D.         Expose bitewings on DXTRR according to criteria listed under course requirements.

4.    Automatically process x-ray film.

     A.          Describe the automatic processor, its operation and maintenance.

     B.          Describe darkroom lighting and security needed for processing.

     C.          Develop films with automatic technique without errors.

     D.         Name advantages and disadvantages of automatic processing.

     E.          Perform care and maintenance of machine.

5.    Explain the parallel technique of film placement.

     A.          Explain principle of shadow casting and explain parallel technique.

     B.          Describe patient positioning.

     C.          Describe intraoral placement of film for periapical and bitewing projections.

 6.    Apply parallel technique while exposing films of DXTRR.   

     A.          Position simulated patient (DXTRR) for each film projection.

     B.          Given DXTRR, position the film for any intraoral projection.

     C.          Adjust horizontal and vertical tube angulation.

     D.          Adjust machine setting for each radiographic view.

     E.          Expose radiographic surveys on DXTRR according to criteria.

     F.          Develop radiographic competence at stated level (according to evaluation checklists) for each radiographic projection in a full mouth series.

7.    Apply parallel technique while exposing film on patients.

     A.          While applying aseptic, radiation health, and patient management techniques, expose,

                  process, mount, and complete evaluation form on three adult FMS at stated levels.

8.    Operate x-ray unit using proper settings.

     A.          Operate the x-ray unit establishing KVP, MA and time settings for any given view.

9.    Evaluate films for exposure errors.

     A.          Using radiographs produced during this course and evaluation forms, assess diagnostic quality of radiographs according to criteria on
                   evaluation forms.

     B.          For each film evaluated, state corrections necessary to improve the quality of the radiograph.

     C.          Value importance of producing high quality diagnostic radiographic techniques.

10. Mount radiographs in film holders.    

     A.          Explain mounting procedures.

     B.          Label a film mount with given information.

     C.          Given mount frames and packets of radiographs, mount the series in the recommended method,

                  1.    three adult FMS

                  2.    two child FMS

     D.         Mount all exposed films with 100% accuracy.

11. Expose films of Pedo DXTRR

     A.          Expose bitewings on PEDO DXTRR

     B.          Expose a FMS on PEDO DXTRR

12. Expose films of pedo patient.

     A.          While applying aseptic, radiation health, and patient management techniques, expose, process, mount, and complete evaluation form on
                   one set of PEDO bitewings at stated level.

13. Expose films of edentulous DXTRR.

     A.          Expose FMS on edentulous DXTRR.

14. Expose occlusal and third molar projections on DXTRR.

     A.          Expose a maxillary and mandibular occlusal projection on DXTRR.

     B.          Expose third molar projections on DXTRR.

     C.          Describe rationale and procedure.

15. Expose a PAN on a patient.

     A.          Describe patient positioning, film cassette placement, equipment preparation, and exposure timefor exposing panoramic projections.

     B.          Load film in cassette

     C.          Explain the processing procedures for the panoramic film.

     D.         Operate PAN machine.

     E.          Practice a PAN setup.

     F.          Produce a panoramic radiograph of diagnostic quality using a patient.

     G.         Process PAN film.

16. Apply radiation safety methods during exposures.

     A.          Employ protection methods for self and patient.

     B.          Follow lab rules during/for exposures.

     C.          Respond to patient questions and concerns using professional, positive, and informed replies regarding the use of radiation and safety to the patient’s health and welfare.

17. Apply patient management skills during exposures.

     A.          Apply aseptic technique during radiographic procedures on patients.

     B.          Employ time and motion economy techniques when conducting exposures on patients.

     C.          Apply communication skills and problem management techniques when dealing with patients.

     D.         Explain and utilize patient management techniques.

18. Expose films using the bisecting technique.

     A.          Expose films utilizing bisecting technique.

     B.          Describe bisecting technique.

19. Explain duplication of films.

     A.          State reasons for duplicating films.

     B.          State procedures to duplicate film.

20. Discuss manual film processing.

     A.          Identify the manual processing darkroom equipment.

     B.          Explain the procedure for manual processing.

21. Expose #3 bitewings.

     A.          State principle of #3 bitewings.

     B.          Expose a set of #3 bitewings on DXTRR.

22: Utilize film-holding devices.

     A.          State the value and rational for the use of positioning devices in health and safety of patients

                  and to optimum technique.

     B.          Identify parts of the VIP

     C.          Assemble VIP for FMS

     D.          Position patient, film, and device for FMS

     E.          Expose five films with VIP

23. Expose radiographic images using a digital unit/phosphate plates.

     A.          Identify the components of a digital unit.

     B.          Compare digital radiography with conventional radiographic equipment.

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