Feb 11, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CJ 187W - Current Issues in Security

Credits: 3
Instructional Contact Hours: 3

Surveys current issues in security: terrorism, espionage, substance abuse, employee theft, computer vulnerabilities, and protection of information.

Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Examine methods for the protection of information after it has been collected, while it is being maintained by the security entity, and the disseminating of this information to appropriate individuals authorized to receive it.   
    1. Cite rules of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, which created specific regulations for private business governing the collection, maintenance, and use of credit information on individuals.
    2. Provide details of the Code of Fair Information Practice applicable to all automated personal data systems.
    3. Explain various concepts of the Federal Freedom of Information Act.
    4. Present information of the Federal Financial Privacy Act, which controls the dissemination of customer information by banks.
  2. Provide customers and employees with methods to cope with problems of computer vulnerability and/or security.    
    1. Provide suggestions for confidentiality, the status accorded data that require protection from unauthorized disclosure.
    2. Cite methods for data integrity, a state wherein the data agree with the source document from which they have been derived and wherein they have not been accidentally or maliciously altered, disclosed, or destroyed.
    3. Explain concepts of data security - protection of data from accidental or intentional but unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure.
    4. Indicate methods of risk analysis - analysis of system assets vulnerabilities to establish an expected loss from certain events based on estimated probabilities of the occurrence of these events.
    5. Provide detailed contingency plans for emergency responses.
  3. Examine internal threats and appropriate countermeasures to thwart it.
    1. Determine problems of employee theft.
      1. How serious is the problem?
      2. Why do employees steal?
      3. How do employee steal?
    2. Suggest management countermeasures: e.g. accountability, accounting, auditing and policy and procedural controls.
    3. Provide methods for physical security countermeasures such as: access control, locks and keys, alarms, closed-circuit television and other cameras, patrols, safes, vaults and files.
  4. Be cognizant of substance abuse and associated problems.
    1. Provide examples of substance abuse; employee who:
      1. Abuses prescriptions and counter drugs.
      2. Obtains, sells, or uses illegal drugs.
      3. Drinks, smokes, and sniffs inappropriate substances in workplace or while off-duty.
      4. Steals to support habits.
      5. Slows production, makes errors or is consistently absent.
    2. Examine causes of the substance abuse.
    3. Cite methods to counter abusive practices within the workplace.
  5. Analyze various methods of espionage utilized by competition as well as foreign entities.    
    1. Cite necessity of proper screening of applicants.
    2. Provide methods of testing knowledge as well as psychological.
    3. Furnish procedure for conducting background investigations.
    4. Explain polygraph process and its importance.
    5. Establish safeguards for entrance checks for visitors.
    6. Provide policy and procedures for non-employee access to site.
    7. Relate necessity for exit examination of all subjects.
    8. Cite necessity to constantly upgrade computer and all other security measures.
  6. Examine necessity of providing terrorist protection and/or training to employees of establishment protected by private security.   
    1. Analyze entity to ascertain if appropriate terrorist target.
    2. Provide recommendations for protective methodology.
    3. Recommend training sites for individual needs.
    4. Illustrate pre-training and post-training importance.
    5. Cite need for on-going and up-to-date training.
  7. Perform writing tasks to promote learning of concepts.
    1. Document attainment of skills learned.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge of the subject.
  8. Write effectively for a specific audience and purpose.
    1. Articulate important ideas.
    2. Select, organize, and present details to support a main idea.
    3. Employ conventions of written, edited, standard English (WESE) or the language of instruction.
    4. Use appropriate vocabulary for the audience and purpose.
  9. Demonstrate the learning of concepts through writing.
    1. Analyze course content in written form.
    2. Explain the subject matter in a coherent writing style.

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