Mar 05, 2025
ACE 102W - Career Professional Development IICredits: 2 Instructional Contact Hours: 2
Continues from Career Professional Development I with additional responsibilities at the worksite. Explores work cultures and diversity. Develops team-building skills in a virtual setting. Continues development of employment portfolio and improves job interviewing skills. Continues practicing and developing essential skills necessary in the workplace. Evaluates the student in a program-related, supervised worksite.
Prerequisite(s): ACE 101W with a minimum grade of B. Must be employed in a major-related position, and have completed the program application process in the Office of Academic Career Experience (Cooperative Education) and Service Learning. Corequisite(s): None Lecture Hours: 30 Lab Hours: 180 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: No
Outcomes and Objectives
- Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity.
- Analyze diverse viewpoints in the workplace.
- Question assumptions, points of view, and expectations where appropriate.
- Resolve differences through compromise, assertiveness, or surrender where appropriate.
- Explore other workplace cultures.
- Demonstrate favorable work habits.
- Perform job tasks according to supervisor expectations.
- Demonstrate alignment with employer expectations.
- Demonstrate initiative, self-motivation, and self-management when appropriate.
- Produce and exchange professional communications.
- Apply listening skills and engagement strategies in verbal communications.
- Utilize appropriate vocabulary, tone, and terminology in all workplace communications.
- Maintain respect for self and others during verbal, electronic, written, and telephone communications.
- Continue development of employment portfolio.
- Revise resume.
- Identify appropriate work samples.
- Create a professional online profile.
- Perform writing tasks to promote learning of concepts.
- Document attainment of skills learned.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the subject.
- Cooperate within a team.
- Apply team-building skills to situations in the workplace.
- Assume the role of a team member in a virtual setting and contribute to team goals.
- Apply leadership skills when appropriate.
- Investigate personal and collective successes and failures in team experiences.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the employment interview process.
- Identify different types of interview questions.
- Demonstrate how to respond effectively to interview questions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of proper follow-up techniques.
- Demonstrate continuous improvement in professional skill sets.
- Identify workplace competencies.
- Determine methods for self-assessment.
- Map achievement of workplace competencies.
- Plan goals for future professional development.
- Summarize the continuous improvements resulting from the Academic Career Experience.
- Demonstrate an understanding of transferable skills for success in chosen career.
- Practice problem-solving and critical thinking.
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation in the workplace.
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