Feb 08, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog


Academic Calendar | Admission and Pre-Enrollment  | Costs   | Evaluation of Transfer, Training, or Examination Credit  |  Financial Aid   |  Regulations  

The Registration Process

Any student, new, returning, dual, transfer, and guest, may register online using Student Planning:

  • As a new student, you are eligible to register after you complete orientation and the pre-advising form.
  • As a returning, dual, or transfer student you may be given priority to register according to the number of credits you have completed at Delta (including a maximum of 38 transfer credits).
  • If you are designated as an official guest student by the Admissions Office, you may register at the time all students can register.

Each semester, registration periods are held for any student who has missed the above registration opportunities. You are expected to register during the official registration periods. After the course has started you may register with the written permission of the instructor until the end of the refund period. Students must be officially registered in a course to be allowed to attend that course. It is College policy that if you have financial obligations to Delta College, you will not be allowed to register until the obligations have been paid or cleared.

Note: If receiving Federal Financial Aid, all courses for a given term must be registered by the 18th day of the term (all calendar days including weekends and holidays) to be eligible for aid.

Cancelled Courses: The College reserves the right to cancel any course which does not have a sufficient enrollment of students to warrant its continuation. You should attempt to add another course or receive a refund.

Course Schedule Changes: You are expected to complete the courses in which you are registered. If a change is necessary, you may drop a class during the refund period online via Student Planning or submit a request to drop form to the Registrar's Office. To withdraw from a course after the refund period you must submit a Request to Withdraw from a Course form to the Registrar's Office. The date this form is submitted is the official withdrawal date for the course.

Registration and Added Courses:

Registration period: You may register online via Student Planning or at the Registrar's Office for courses (that have seats available) until the first session begins. If courses do not have seats available see the waitlist process below.

Add Period: To register in a course after the official start date, written permission of the instructor or Associate Dean of the division is required. The written permission must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in a timely manner so that the enrollment can occur. Courses added after the start date of the course will follow the refund policy of the course no matter when the registration took place. Registration with instructor permission can only occur through the end of the refund period. Students dropped for non-payment are subject to adhering to the add period.

Student-Initiated Drops and Withdrawals:

Drops: For courses officially dropped within the refund period of the course, no grade will be reported or recorded on the official College transcript.

Students may drop courses online via Student Planning or via written request to the Registrar’s Office.

Withdrawals: If the course is officially withdrawn after the refund period and through four-fifths of the course you will receive a grade of “W”.

Students must submit a Request to Withdraw from a Course form to initiate a withdraw after the end of the refund period.

If you do not officially drop or withdraw, the instructor will assign an appropriate final letter grade (“A” through “F”) in relation to total course requirements achieved. Students should verify that the drop or withdraw has officially been completed. If you experience difficulty completing a drop or a withdraw contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance (registration@delta.edu).

Instructor-Initiated Drops: During the initial nonattendance reporting period (the course refund period) a faculty member shall drop any student who has never attended class, according to federal guidelines. The drop request will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. 

Upon receipt of an authorization, the Registrar’s Office will notify the student of the drop.

If you wish to appeal an instructor-initiated drop, the contact must be with the course instructor. If necessary, mediation may be requested of the appropriate Associate Dean. All appeals must be in writing, signed by you as the person requesting the appeal, and received within one week following notification of the drop. If the instructor authorizes the student to re-enroll in the course, the written permission must be provided to the Registrar’s Office for processing.  Emails to registration@delta.edu will be accepted from the student’s Delta College email account. A reinstate following a non-attendance drop is not subject to the course add period.

Prerequisites Drops: The College reserves the right to drop students from courses for which they do not meet the prerequisites. This process typically occurs within the week prior to the start of a new term.

Non-payment Drops: The College reserves the right to drop students from courses for which their payment is not sufficient or subsequently adjusted for changes in financial aid or sponsor authorization. Students may re-register themselves for for courses (that have seats available) until the first session begins. If courses do not have seats available see the waitlist process below. If the course has already begun the registration is subject to the requirements of the Add Period above.

Administrative Withdrawals: The College reserves the right to withdraw students from courses in extenuating circumstances.

Withdrawal from College: To completely and officially withdraw you must drop/withdraw all courses. For assistance contact the Registrar’s Office (registration@delta.edu).

Course/Credit Load

If you are a full-time student, course load is 12-18 credits in a semester. To register for a course load in excess of these limits, you must obtain special permission from a Student Success Advisor before registration. Approval of an excess course load depends upon your previous academic record.

Waitlist Policy & Process

Getting a perfect schedule can be a challenge each semester. There are many factors to consider such as: graduation requirements, work schedules, class location, instructor, day/night, or online options. Many times you are able to get a schedule that meets all your needs and other times you need to find alternatives and make adjustments. To help you, Delta offers the opportunity to Waitlist.

What is a Waitlist?

Waitlists are electronically- managed lists for you to indicate your interest in a particular section of a class that has reached maximum enrollment which is the posted capacity of a section for any given course. A given course may have multiple sections offered during any term to allow for the greatest scheduling opportunities for students. This means that if a class has twenty seats and all of them are taken, students can place themselves on the Waitlist for that class in case a spot becomes available. Spots become available due to student drops, drops for lack of pre-requisites and drops due to non-payment of tuition and fees. Choosing to add to a Waitlist must be done with careful consideration.

This information is to be used for waitlisting of non-Allied Health Clinical courses only. Clinical entry course waitlisting procedures can be found at: Validation Procedures .

Factors you need to know and consider before waitlisting are:

  • A Waitlist does not mean a student is registered for a class - Waitlisting means a student is interested in taking a class that is currently full and that the student wishes to be notified electronically of any openings.
  • Being on a Waitlist does not guarantee a student will be able to eventually register for a closed class. Waitlists can be very large and many courses have few, if any, student drops creating openings.
  • Students do not know their “spot/number” on a Waitlist nor is this position revealed to the student. The number students see when searching/adding sections, or managing their Waitlist only indicates the capacity for any given course, the number of students registered for a course and the total number of students Waitlisted. These numbers change constantly and are only as current as the last refresh of one’s browser.
  • Delta faculty and staff members will not disclose any student’s “spot” on a Waitlist.
  • Students must meet all the pre-requisites for the class. Please consult the Delta College Catalog, the Registrar’s Office or Academic Advising Office with questions.
  • Students may Waitlist for more than one course, but only one section of any course may be Waitlisted.
  • Students can be enrolled in a particular section of a course and be on a waitlist for another section’s Waitlist; however, students must waitlist first, then register in an alternate section - it will not work in the reverse order.  If permission is granted, the student must make a choice on which section to keep as students can only enroll in one section of any course at one time per semester.
  • Waitlists are only valid for one semester. Students must register each semester for all courses and add themselves to any Waitlists they are interested in.
  • Any restrictions placed on a student’s account due to outstanding balances, academic standing, varsity athletics, etc. will be enforced.
  • Students must monitor their Delta College issued email at least once daily. If a spot becomes available they will receive an email indicating that they have (48hrs/2 days) to accept this spot. Instructions on how to register are included in the communication. Waitlist processing is initiated during normal College business days.
  • Managing one’s Waitlist selections, as well as registered classes, is the ultimate responsibility of the student. A student’s choices will impact how much courses, fees, books and supplies will cost both in money and time. Good registration and time management choices will help keep a student on track and on budget!
  • If a student receives permission to register after the first Payment Deadline it is the student’s responsibility to verify sufficient funding (Financial Aid, Scholarships, etc.), and to pay the required tuition and fees of the added course(s). It is important to remember that if permission is not received to register, financial aid will be adjusted to reflect the number of credits registered for. Payment due for courses added, or a balance due resulting from a schedule change, after Delta College’s initial semester payment due date is weekly on Tuesdays. Payment may be made online by midnight, or can be paid in-person or phone during normal business hours. In person payments can be made at the Cashier’s Office, B-111, Delta College, Main Campus.

The College will drop courses for non-payment on Wednesdays of each week. Official College closings will result in course drops on the next available business day. It is the ultimate responsibility of the student to verify their current term class schedule and student account information each term for accuracy.

  • Students must self-register for any courses they wish to add to their schedules.

We hope this information helps you make informed decisions regarding your semester course plans. Our goal is to assist you in obtaining your educational goals in an efficient and cost effective manner. Please remember to utilize Delta’s Academic Advising Office in your academic planning for the latest advice and information on classes, graduation requirements and career planning.

Delta College reserves the right to offer, maintain, and adjust all courses and Waitlists at any time for any reason. All changes, when feasible, will be communicated to students at the earliest possible time.

Tuition and Fees

Full payment of tuition and fees by the payment due date is required to complete registration. Payment may be made by check, cash, MasterCard, VISA, Discover, ACH, with a tuition payment plan, with approved financial aid or sponsor authorization. When you register for a class, a seat is reserved for you. This obligates you to pay tuition and fees for that seat. If your payment is not sufficient or subsequently adjusted for changes in financial aid or sponsor authorization, Delta College reserves the right to drop you for non-payment or submit your unpaid student account balance to legal collection process.You will be responsible to pay any collection and attorney fees resulting from legal collection process.

Tuition is charged per contact hour based on your residency status.

A non refundable Registration Fee of $40 is charged to academic students once each semester. A Registration Fee is not charged to non-academic students.

A Technology Fee is charged to all academic students per contact hour each semester.

Additional fees are charged for specific courses and are subject to change without prior notice.

The per contact hour tuition rate and course fees for each semester are published online at www.delta.edu and are subject to change without prior notice by action of the Board of Trustees.

If you are a resident of the Delta College district, 60 years of age or older, you may register for courses offered by the College and receive a reduction in the amount of tuition due by 50%. This reduction does not apply to fees (registration, technology, contact hour, course, etc.), books, supplies, trip costs, or other special fees. The College reserves the right to exempt certain courses or programs from eligibility. To be eligible for the senior citizen discount, you must have a Delta College identification number and submit a residency petition form to the Registrar’s Office with a copy of State ID to verify in-district residency and age.

Payment Due Dates: Refer to schedule online at www.delta.edu for payment due dates each semester.

Textbooks and Equipment: You are required to purchase your own textbooks, supplies, personal attire (i.e., lab coats, clinic shoes, etc.), special equipment, and tools as required by courses and most of these items may be purchased at the College Bookstore, which is located in the Commons/Food Court area and open during all College registration hours, or online.

On the Web: www.delta.edu/bookstore

Refund Policy


Courses longer than four weeks

  • 100% Refund: from the official start date of the course through the 9th calendar day of the course (including the first day of class, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays).
  • No refund after the 9th calendar day (including the first day of class, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays).

Courses less than four weeks but more than two days

  • 100% refund: from the official start date of the course through the first quarter of the total days* of the course.
  • No refund after the first quarter of the course.

*Total days is defined as all of the days from the official start date to the end date listed (including the first day of class, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays).

One- or two-day courses and continuing education courses

  • 100% refund: before the start date of the course.
  • No refund after the start date of the course.

Registration Fee: No refund, unless all courses are canceled by the College.

OFFSET: During the 10th through the 25th day from the official start date of the semester students are permitted to offset equal credits and course fees within the same academic discipline (for example, switching from an ENG course to another ENG course, but not from an ENG course to a MTH course) with the written recommendation of their instructors through the add/drop procedures.  For credits or fees added in excess of credits dropped, additional tuition and fees must be paid.  During this period, grades of “W” will not be assigned to courses dropped through the offset process.  Offset cannot be done between sessions (for example, dropping an ENG course during the first 7 ½ week session and adding an ENG course during the second 7 ½ week session, or dropping a MTH course during the Spring 7 week session and adding a MTH course during the Summer 7 week session). Financial aid recipients considering an offset should check with the financial aid office prior to submitting an add/drop request for an offset.  Offsets must be processed via the Registrar’s office.

SPECIAL REFUND CONSIDERATION: The Vice President of Student Empowerment and Success or his or her designee may make exceptions for refunds after the 9th day due to medical reasons, death, or other extenuating circumstances. The student shall submit supporting documentation to the Registrar or his or her designee.

Board Action 5453 – June 14, 2022


Additional information:

Payments for tuition and fee refunds are processed after the Add/Drop period has ended. Refunds are based on the start date of the course regardless of when you register.

Financial Aid Recipients

A student receiving Federal aid who ceases attendance prior to the end date of the semester will be subject to a Title IV Return of Funds recalculation. Depending on your last date of attendance, your financial aid for the semester in question may be adjusted. Unearned financial aid is returned to programs according to Federal guidelines. Funds are returned in the following order: Federal Loan Programs, Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, and to other Title IV aid programs. You will be responsible for repaying any unearned aid that you were not entitled to receive. Repayment arrangements must be made with the Delta College Student Finance Office.

Tuition Refund Appeal

The college realizes that on occasion students may need to request an exception to the withdrawal/refund deadline as published due to extenuating circumstances. Examples of such circumstances may be obtained on the web (search tuition refund) or in the Registrar’s Office-D102.


Student Leave of Absence Policy

Board Policy 8.013

In response to the Americans with Disability Act (2008), with oversite from the Office of Civil Rights, Delta College is implementing a Leave of Absence Policy.  Delta College students who are experiencing a sudden medical or traumatic life event, that creates a significant barrier to academic access and requires a temporary pause in course(s) participation, may be applicable for a Leave of Absence (LOA).

This policy will be administered by the office of the Dean of Student Success.


Qualifying Events

  • Inpatient hospital stays and non-elective surgeries
  • Concussions
  • Death in the student’s immediate family. Immediate family includes parent(s), grandparent(s), spouse/partner, child, and sibling(s).  (If you suffered a loss of a family member not listed, please contact the Dean of Student Success at leaveofabsence@delta.edu to discuss the relationship.)
  • Significant personal event including, but not limited to: family crises, subpoenaed court appearances, jury duty, etc.
  • Contagious illness such as mono, strep, or influenza

Non-qualifying Events

  • Emergency room/clinic visits that did not require hospitalization
  • Outpatient surgeries requiring no restrictions
  • Doctor’s office/clinic visits diagnosing colds, migraines, or other illnesses not requiring hospitalization
  • Traffic jams, car trouble, or inability to find parking
  • Absences related to inclement weather
  • Childcare issues or school closures
  • COVID related absences (this condition is covered under the Office of Disability Services)
  • Contact the Office of Disability Services for questions and assistance at disabilityresources@delta.edu
  • Disability related condition/temporary disability (these conditions are covered under the Office of Disability Services)
  • Contact the Office of Disability Services for questions and assistance at disabilityresources@delta.edu
  • Title IX, sexual misconduct, pregnancy-related issues (these issues are covered under the Equity Office)
  • Contact the Equity Office for questions and assistance at equityoffice@delta.edu


There are no associated fees for applying for a LOA. 


Students with questions about LOAs may email their questions to leaveofabsence@delta.edu

Board Action 5432 – February 1, 2022