Administrative Officers
Dr. Michael Gavin
College President
Pamela Clark
Executive Director, Institutional Advancement
Dr. Reva Curry
Vice President of Instruction & Learning Services
Sarah DuFresne
Vice President of Business and Finance
Chad Inabinet
Vice President of Student Empowerment and Success
Jennifer Carroll
Director of Corporate Services
Andrea Ursuy
Executive Director of Administrative Services: Institutional Effectiveness
Foundation Board of Directors
Paul J. Barbeau, Vice Chair, Octavia Walters Cabey, Dr. Richard J. Dolinski,
Mark S. Flegenheimer, Stacey L. Gannon, Heather L. Gallegos, Karl Ieuter, Jonathan E. Lauderbach,
Edward M. Lesniak, David H. Morley, Immediate Past Chair, Guy C. Moulthrop, Barb Handley-Miller,
Sharon Leaman Case, Diane M. Mahoney, Dr. Roslyn E. McQueen, Magen M. Samyn,
Patricia A. Shaheen, Herbert A. Spence III, Chair, Marcia L. Thomas, Lisa M. Ungerleider,
Delta College Representatives
Dr. Michael Gavin, Secretary Sarah DuFresne, Treasurer Pamela N. Clark, Executive Director