Sep 16, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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RAD 108W - Introduction to Healthcare and Patient Care

Credits: 3

Develops knowledge and skills in basic concepts of patient care. Includes emergency care procedures, infection control, patient safety and transfers, communication, and patient education. Provides an introduction to medical imaging and its role in patient diagnosis and care and basic imaging concepts, systems and techniques. Includes the structure and operation of health care organization and health care distribution.

Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to Radiography Program
Corequisite(s): RAD 100 , RAD 105 , RAD 130 , and LW 206A  
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1.     Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and manage the physical and emotional needs of the patient regardless of age or condition.

     A.          Describe methods for evaluation of patient status.

     B.          Identify the information/data to be collected prior to patient examination.

     C.          Demonstrate methods of obtaining a patient history.

     D.          Describe vital signs used to assess patient condition.

     E.          State the normal temperature values for the oral and rectal methods of measurement for temperature.

     F.           Describe the method of monitoring respirations and state the normal values expected.

     G.          List the equipment necessary for acquisition of the blood pressure on a patient.

     H.          Identify the normal values for blood pressure for males and females.

     I.            Identify the major sites for monitoring the pulse and indicate the normal values.

     J.           Demonstrate the assessment of vital signs.

     K.          Identify the stages of death and dying.

2.  Demonstrate the knowledge and skills utilized in communicating with  patients, patient's family, colleagues, physicians, and other health
     care team

     A.          Define communication.

     B.          Identify methods of communication and discuss how each can be utilized.

     C.          Identify patient communication problems and determine possible solutions.

     D.          Discuss verbal versus nonverbal communication.

     E.          Discuss challenges in communication.

     F.           Discuss other factors that impede communication with patient, families, etc.

     G.          Determine appropriate communication guidelines.

     H.          Identify the stages of death and dying and discuss how this impacts you as a professional.

     I.            Determine when to utilize listening and therapeutic silence.

     J.           Demonstrate explanations of radiographic examinations utilizing clinical simulations.

     K.          Demonstrate explanations for patients with various communication problems utilizing clinical simulations.

     L.          Analyze the moods, expectations, and perceptions of the patient when given specific patient conditions and profiles.

     M.         Discuss issues related to appropriate and necessary communication with other health care professionals.

 3.    Demonstrate the knowledge and skills related to the principles of body mechanics, safe patient transfer, and patient restraint.

     A.          Describe and demonstrate good principles of body mechanics applicable to patient care.

     B.          Demonstrate techniques for various types of patient transfer.

     C.          Describe and demonstrate the procedures for turning patients with various conditions.

     D.          Describe and demonstrate restraint techniques for various types of procedures and patient conditions.

     E.          Describe the aspects of patient comfort and discuss the importance of each to the care and safety of the patient.

 4.    Demonstrate an understanding of infection control and the utilization of Standard Precautions and aseptic procedures.

     A.          Define the following:

                  1.    Infectious pathogens

                  2.    Communicable diseases

                  3.    Nosocomial infections

                  4.    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                  5.    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

                  6.    Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

     B.          Describe the utilization of Standard Precautions and Isolation Procedures.

     C.          Describe sources and modes of transmission of infections and diseases.

     D.          Describe the procedures for infection control through Standard Precautions.

     E.          Discuss psychological considerations for the management of patients utilizing Standard Precautions.

     F.           Identify the cycle of infection.

     G.          Differentiate between medical and surgical asepsis.

     H.          Demonstrate proper techniques:

                  1.    Opening packs

                  2.    Gowning/gloving

                  3.    Skin preparation

                  4.    Draping

                  5.    Wound care

                  6.    Handling linens

                  7.    Eye protection

     I.           Discuss isolation techniques and communicable diseases.

     J.          Demonstrate proper isolation procedure.

5.    Demonstrate an understanding of basic medical emergencies including recognizing signs and symptoms and appropriate response.

     A.          Identify the signs and symptoms which manifest the following emergencies:

                  1.    Cardiac arrest

                  2.    Shock

                  3.    Convulsion/seizure

                  4.    Cerebral vascular accident

                  5.    Hemorrhage

                  6.    Airway obstruction

                  7.    Diabetic coma/insulin shock

                  8.    Reaction to contrast media

                  9.    Other medical conditions

     B.          Discuss acute care procedures for each various emergencies.

     C.          Discuss the use of medical emergency equipment and supplies.

     D.          Demonstrate the use of oxygen and suction equipment.

  Outcome 6:    Demonstrate an understanding of the considerations necessary when performing radiographic procedures on patients with
                          acute and special conditions.

     A.          Identify the precautions necessary when working with a patient with:

                  1.    Fracture

                  2.    Head injury

                  3.    Spinal injury

                  4.    Massive wounds

                  5.    Burns

     B.          Explain the care and management of patients with nasogastric tubes.

     C.          Explain the care and management of patients with chest tubes.

     D.          Identify the steps in the operation and maintenance of suction equipment.

     E.          Determine a normal pattern from an abnormal pattern when given an EKG strip.

 7.    Demonstrate an understanding of various medical devices that may be encountered in the radiology department. Discuss proper care of these devices

     A.          Identify special medical devices that may be seen in/with patients coming to radiology department

                  1.    chest tubes

                  2.    urinary catheters

                  3.    intravenous catheters

                  4.    oxygen tubes

                  5.    nasogasatric tubes

     B.          Explain the care and managements of the items listed above

     C.          Identify the steps in the operation and maintenance of suction equipment

     D.          Identify what is the proper scope of practices for a radiographer in handling such devices

     E.          Identify other healthcare professionals that may assist in caring for such devices

8.    Successfully read, interpret, and organize information and put into written form.

     A.          Identify relevant articles from a written source.

     B.          Organize an article to interpret information.

     C.          Select important information from an article.

     D.          Draw relevant conclusions from an article.

     E.          Summarize information using appropriate writing skills.

9.    Demonstrate an understanding of medical imaging and the role of the radiographer on the health care team.

     A.          Explain the use of radiation in medicine.

     B.          Define terms realted to radiologic technology.

     C.          Explain the career opportunities within the profession of radiologic technology.

     D.          Identify the various specialties within a radiology department.

     E.          Describe the typical responsibilities of the members of the radiology team.

     F.           Explain the career ladder opportunities with the radiology department.

     G.          Discuss the roles of other member of the health care team.

     H.          Differentiate accreditation, certification, and representation functions of various professional organizations.

       I.          Describe the organizations that carry out the professional aspects of a specific radiologic technology area of specialization.

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