Mar 15, 2025  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DMS 104 - Introduction to OB/GYN Sonography

Credits: 2

Discusses various aspects of OB/GYN sonography. Studies normal sectional anatomy and development, fetal assessment, normal and abnormal sonographic patterns, along with techniques and protocols.

Prerequisite(s): DMS 100 , DMS 105W , DMS 107 , DMS 107L , DMS 108W  each with a minimum grade of “B” (3.0)
Corequisite(s): DMS 101W , DMS 103 , and DMS 106W .
Lecture Hours: 30 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives 1.     Understand structure, orientation, and the sonographic appearance of the female pelvis.    

     A.          Describe the anatomy, physiology, and function of the female reproductive organs of the pelvis.

     B.          Recognize the sonographic appearance of the organs, muscles, and surrounding structures of the true pelvis.

     C.          Define key words relating to the female pelvis in sonography.

 2.    Understand normal sonographic anatomy, as well as pathologic and disease processes of the pelvis.    

     A.          Outline normal anatomic structure of the uterus and ovaries.

     B.          Recognize congenital abnormalities of the uterus.

     C.          List abnormalities of the myometrium and correlate with sonographic findings.

     D.          Describe abnormalities of the endometrium and correlate with sonographic findings.

     E.          Identify the features of non-neoplastic lesions.

     F.           List ovarian neoplasms and describe the sonographic findings.

     G.          List uterine neoplasms and describe the sonographic findings.

     H.          Define pelvic inflammatory disease.

     I.            Know the sonographic findings of the pelvic inflammatory disease.

     J.           Recognize non-gynecologic pelvic masses.

     K.          Understand post-menopausal changes and the sonographic findings.

     L.          Identify post-partum pelvic pathological conditions.

3.    Demonstrate a basic understanding of human reproduction and embryology.

     A.          Identify basic anatomy of the femal reproductive system.

     B.          Explain the functions of estrogen.

     C.          Explain the functions of progesterone.

     D.          Describe the ovarian cycle.

     E.          Discuss the differences between FSH and LH.

     F.          Define the the following terms:

                  1.    Menstrual cycle

                  2.    Proliferative phase

                  3.    Secretory phase

     G.         Correlate and describe ovarian cycle, hormonal cycle, and menstrual cycle.

     H.         Define the following terms:

                  1.    Embryo

                  2.    Fetus

                  3.    Zygote

                  4.    Blastocyst

                  5.    Trophoblast

     I.           Define implantation.

     J.          Identify the anatomy relating to the placenta.

     K.         List the three primary germ layers of the embryonic disk.

     L.         Explain the developmental process of the embryo during the first 12 weeks.

     M.        Identify the extraembryonic membranes.

4.    Recognize and understand the first trimester pathology in a pregnancy.

     A.          Recognize the signs of embryonic demise.

     B.          Know the amnion and yolk sac criteria for a normal pregnancy.

     C.          Recognize the normal measurement parameters in a 1st trimester pregnancy.

     D.         Correlate clinical labs with sonographic findings in 1st trimester pregnancy.

     E.          List the classic signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

     F.          Describe the sonographic findings of ectopic pregnancy.

     G.         Explain the terms “missed AB” and “Blighted Ovum”.

     H.         Identify normal and abnormal masses in 1st trimester pregnancy.

5.    Understand structure, orientation, and sonographic appearance of a fetus in an obstetrical sonographic exam.    

     A.          Describe the locations and functions of the early support tissues of the gestation.

     B.          Explain the early embryogenesis of the fetal organs and organ systems.

     C.          Recognize the sonographic appearance of the gestational sac and early embryo.

     D.          Know the role of the placenta in supporting gestation.

     E.          List the organs that become visible during the second trimester and describe their sonographic appearance.

     F.          Describe the sonographic measurements of the fetus performed during the second and third trimesters.

     G.         Define key words relating to obstetric sonography.

 6.    Understand the role of obstetric sonography and the steps to produce a quality obstetric examination.

     A.          Know the differences between the different levels of obstetric ultrasound evaluation.

     B.          List the indications for an obstetric ultrasound.

     C.          Explain the term “Biochemical screening”.

     D.          Describe the objectives of an obstetric ultrasound.

     E.          Know the protocol for a complete obstetric ultrasound.

     F.          Recognize normal fetal anatomy.

     G.         Understand basic screening techniques to identify normal fetal anatomy.

7.    Understand normal fetal growth parameters.

     A.          Know the protocol for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester dating.

     B.          Understand basic scanning techniques for obtaining fetal parameters.

     C.          Correlate fetal parameters with gestational age.

     D.          Explain the recommended approach to fetal weight estimation.

     E.          Assess fetal weight in relation to fetal age.

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