Sep 16, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DA 117W - Dental Health and Nutrition

Credits: 1
Emphasizes oral hygiene, general and applied nutrition, as well as patient motivation techniques. Dental health projects required.

Prerequisite(s): BIO 140W  or BIO 152W  and BIO 153W ; any approved College Composition I; and COM 112W  or COM 114W , with a "C" (2.0) or better in in each.
Corequisite(s): DA 113W  
Lecture Hours: 15 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: No

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Explain preventive dentistry.
    1. Compare primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive dentistry.
    2. Identify the costs involved in each preventive dentistry.
    3. List the dental specialties and identify their roles in prevention.
    4. Name the dental assistant's role in preventive dentistry.
    5. List the means of controlling plaque disease.
  2. Describe the role of plaque and calculus in caries and periodontal disease.
    1. Define plaque, pellicle, and calculus.
    2. List and describe the phases of the life cycle of plaque.
    3. Compare pellicle, plaque, material alba, food debris, and calculus.
    4. Recognize the development and effects of periodontal disease.
    5. Compare gingivitis to periodontitis.
    6. Describe the effect of plaque and calculus on the oral cavity.
    7. Compare dental plaque to material alba.
  3. Recognize the criteria of an ADA approved toothbrush.
    1. Identify the parts of a toothbrush.
    2. Compare the different styles and types of bristles.
    3. Recognize and describe the ADA approved toothbrush.
    4. Explain the life expectancy of a toothbrush.
    5. Explain the structure and function of an electrical toothbrush.
    6. List the criteria for selecting a toothbrush.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of various brushing techniques on a model for various situations.
    1. List and describe the purpose of brushing.
    2. List general brushing rules.
    3. List and describe effect of improper brushing techniques.
    4. List contraindications to brushing.
    5. Describe methods of plaque removal from the tongue.
    6. Describe brushing techniques for:
      1. abutment teeth
      2. orthodontic appliances
      3. dentures, removable partials and ortho appliances
      4. handicapped
    7. Explain and demonstrate brushing techniques for all areas of mouth to include problem areas.
    8. Explain and demonstrate the following brushing techniques:
      1. Bass
      2. Modified Stillman
      3. Press-Roll
      4. Charter’s
      5. Scrub
  5. Recognize criteria for an ADA approved toothpaste.
    1. Name and define two types of toothpaste.
    2. Explain three functions of toothpaste.
    3. Describe method of using toothpaste.
    4. Recognize ingredients.
    5. Explain ADA approval.
  6. Demonstrate understanding of various methods and means of cleaning interproximal areas on a model.
    1. Define interdental gingiva, papillae and col.
    2. List rational of interproximal cleaning.
    3. Explain objectives for dental flossing.
    4. Identify types of floss.
    5. Demonstrate two methods of flossing.
    6. List general flossing rules.
    7. Explain the frequency of flossing.
    8. Identify and explain improper flossing.
    9. Identify and explain usage and contradiction of: floss holders, floss threaders, knitting yarn, pipe cleaners, gauge strip, interdental tip stimulator, wedge stimulator, toothpicks and interdental brushes and picks.
  7. Discuss disclosing procedures.
    1. Explain the function of disclosing agents.
    2. Identify various agents.
    3. Discuss disclosing procedures.
  8. Complete a plaque index and analyze the result.
    1. Explain the purpose of a plaque index.
    2. Explain plaque control recording.
    3. Complete plaque index on a patient or manikin.
    4. Provide patient evaluations and suggestions.
  9. Discuss the usage of an oral irrigation device.
    1. Recognize oral irrigation device.
    2. Explain function of oral irrigation device.
    3. State contraindications of oral irrigation device.
    4. Explain procedure for using oral irrigation device.
  10. Discuss a proper rinse.
    1. Compare cosmetic and therapeutic functions of mouth rinse.
    2. Explain and demonstrate mouth rinsing.
  11. Describe the care of dental appliances.
    1. Describe proper care of:
      1. bridges
      2. ortho retainers
      3. dentures
      4. partials
      5. crowns
  12. Identify nutrients associated with the food groups.
    1. Explain the following terms:
      1. recommended dietary allowance
      2. megadose
      3. calorie
      4. nutrition
      5. diet
      6. digestion
      7. empty calorie
      8. malnutrition
    2. Compare the calories per gram of carbohydrates, fat, alcohol, and protein.
    3. List the five food groups.
    4. Provide nutrients, functions, and food sources for each food group.
    5. Explain the “other group”.
    6. Name the nutrients that effect the oral cavity and dentition the most.
  13. Explain the components of a food label.
    1. Explain parts of food label.
    2. Recognize ingredient amounts.
    3. Explain low sodium, very low sodium, sodium free, reduced sodium, unsalted.
    4. Explain the following terms:
      1. restoration
      2. enrichment
      3. fortification
    5. Recognize serving sizes.
    6. Collect and evaluate food labels from own usage.
  14. Analyze a food diary.
    1. Record own personal diet for one day.
    2. Follow procedures indicated on diet evaluation worksheet.
    3. Tabulate and evaluate diet intake.
    4. Complete all forms and tabulate totals.
  15. Relate nutritional aspects of a diet to the health of the oral cavity.  
    1. Relate carbohydrates to the oral cavity and caries production.
    2. Relate fats to the health of the oral cavity.
    3. Relate proteins to the health of the oral cavity.
    4. Relate vitamins to the health of the oral cavity.
    5. Relate minerals to the health of the oral cavity.
    6. Relate water to the health of the oral cavity.
  16. Prepare and present an educational presentation.
    1. Prepare and present two separate 15-20 minute educational presentations to school age children.
    2. Follow guidelines as stated in handbook.
  17. Analyze various oral health products.
    1. Compare two different types of toothpaste, toothbrushes, and floss.
    2. Record and analyze results on correct form

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