Sep 16, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CST 103 - Windows Foundations

Credits: 1
Provides a basic introduction to the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Includes the creation of folders and use and review of the basic concepts of storage on floppy and hard disk. Introduces the basic features of Windows including menus, icons, dialog boxes, and the title and menu bars. Emphasizes the use of multi tasking.

Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
Lecture Hours: 15 Lab Hours: 0
Meets MTA Requirement: None
Pass/NoCredit: Yes

Outcomes and Objectives
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the MS Windows operating systems.
    1. Describe the various command level and graphical user interface operating systems.
    2. Use the various features of MS Windows
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of PC operating systems.
    1. Define operating systems.
    2. Maximize, minimize, and close multiple windows.
    3. Use the menu bar, list box, drop down box, radio buttons, and desktop icons.
    4. Explore the control panel and help features.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to multitask applications.
  3. Work effectively with files and folders.
    1. Format a diskette and understand the format process.
    2. Work with text, such as selecting, using the clipboard (copy, cut and paste), and changing the font.
    3. Open folders and back up files and folders.
  4. Work with Windows Explorer in the organization of disks and diskettes.
    1. Demonstrate the ability to create new folders.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to rename, delete, copy and delete folders and files within folders.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to work with view, sort the information, expand and collapse the folder structure.
  5. Use search for files and folders.
    1. Demonstrate the ability to search using a filename or part of a filename.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to search for a particular file type.
    3. Demonstrate the ability to find a file if you only know the size or date it was created.
    4. Demonstrate the ability to find a file if you know some of the text within the file.

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