Feb 08, 2025
EMB 211W - Writing for Broadcast & New MediaCredits: 3 Instructional Contact Hours: 3
Introduces and familiarizes the specialized writing styles in radio, TV, cable, new media and corporate/non-profit production. Includes, but is not limited to, news, promotional announcements, sports and advertisements. Emphasizes and analyzes various writing styles employed in the commercial, non-profit and corporate world and demonstrates that style through frequent writing.
Prerequisite(s): ENG 111A or ENG 111 with a grade of “C” or higher Corequisite(s): None Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: No
Outcomes and Objectives
- Understand specialized writing styles for Radio, TV, Cable, New Media and Corporate/Non-Profit production.
- Demonstrate knowledge of writing styles appropriate for Radio, TV, Cable, New Media and Corporate/Non-Profit
- Apply writing style for Radio, TV, Cable, New Media and Corporate/Non-Profit production.
- Understand specialized writing styles for journalism, advertising, promotions and public relations.
- Write news scripts for broadcast based on examples and discussions in class.
- Write advertising scripts for broadcast based on examples and discussions in class.
- Write public service announcement scripts for broadcast based on examples and discussions in class.
- Write press releases that would be submitted to broadcast journalists.
- Write speech scripts that theoretically would be used during a media event such as a press conference. This would include use of the “sound bite.”
- Comprehend real-world expectations of Radio, TV, Cable, New Media and Corporate/Non-Profit writer.
- Participate in a discussion with a real-world professional in the mass media business.
- Write about the experience and detail the expectations of a ‘writer’ in that organization.
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