Feb 19, 2025
DA 123W - Dental RadiologyCredits: 2 Instructional Contact Hours: 2
Introduces the principles of radiation physics, factors affecting radiographic images, biological effects of radiation, and the protective measures necessary in dental radiation
Prerequisite(s): DA 106W , DA 113W , and DA 117W with a “C” (2.0) minimum grade in each Corequisite(s): 1 year track (full time): DA 120LW , DA 120 , DA 121W , DA 123LW , DA 125LW , DA 125W
2 year track (part time): DA 123LW , HSC 140 Lecture Hours: 30 Lab Hours: 0 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: No
Outcomes and Objectives
- Explain the parallel technique of film placement.
- Explain principle of shadow casting and explain parallel technique.
- Describe patient positioning.
- Describe intraoral placement of film for periapical and bitewing projections.
- Explain the production of radiation.
- Nature of radiation.
- Identify the significant contribution to Radiology made by Wilhelm C. Roentgen
- Recognize terms and definitions applied to dental radiology
- Compare the properties of electromagnetic radiation to radio waves
- Differentiate between hard and soft x-rays and the penetrability of each
- Differentiate between primary and secondary radiation and their effect on radiographic quality and biological safety
- Production of X-rays.
- Identify component parts of the x-ray unit, and the function of each part
- Describe the step-by-step procedure and those component parts involved in the production of x-rays
- Identify the parts of the x-ray tube and the path of the electrons which produce x-rays
- Relate KVP, MA, and time to the production of useful x-rays
- Relate density and contrast and detail to acceptable, diagnostic radiographs
- Describe causes and prevention of exposure errors.
- On slides and radiographs, recognize common technique errors; describe causes and measures to prevent and/or correct the errors.
- Describe radiographic anatomy and pathology.
- Apply the terminology related to this unit: anatomical landmarks, radiolucent, radiopaque.
- Explain the purpose for the dental assistant to identify landmarks for proper radiographic mounting.
- Describe the procedure universally recommended for mounting dental radiographs and special indicators useful to the mounting technique.
- Describe the densities of tooth tissues and periodontium and the radiographic appearance of each.
- Locate, on a radiograph or slide, the common maxillary and mandibular landmarks and whether each feature is radiopaque or radiolucent.
- Given names of radiographic landmarks, identify which radiopaque projections produce the images.
- Describe landmarks useful to mount edentulous radiographs.
- Identify, on radiographs and slides, radiographic pathologies.
- Describe method to determine location of radiographic pathology.
- Relate the terms radiolucent and radiopaque, to the radiographic pathologies viewed in radiographs.
- Explain the application of bitewing and periapical techniques in the detection and interpretation of caries, retained objects, periodontal disease and traumatic injuries.
- Define the legal and ethical responsibilities and ethical responsibilities of the dental assistant regarding the evaluation and interpretation of radiographs.
- Describe radiographs on children.
- Describe rationale for and importance of making regular periodic radiographic examinations on child patients.
- Identify factors which determine need for radiographs on children; including appropriate film size and technique.
- Compare patient management techniques involved in exposing radiographs on children and on adults.
- Relate radiation safety measures to pedodontic radiographic technique.
- Describe the exposure technique for primary and mixed dentition.
- Interpret pedodontic radiographs for normal vs. abnormal anatomical features, and features requiring professional follow-up.
- Describe edentulous techniques.
- Explain rationale and value for exposing radiographs of edentulous areas of the mouth.
- Identify film requirements for an edentulous and a partially edentulous patient.
- Describe the techniques recommended for exposing radiographs on edentulous and partially edentulous patients, including radiation safety measures.
- Describe accessory film.
- Describe the occlusal technique, and the diagnostic indications for its use.
- Describe the technique for extraoral, lateral jaw projections for detection of third molar impactions and TMJ surveys.
- Describe the uses of panoramic radiographic surveys.
- Describe perio-bitewings.
- State reasons for exposing perio-bitewings.
- Describe procedures for exposing perio-bitewings.
- Explain radiation health and protection measures.
- Compare the amount of exposure to the reproductive cells from a full month survey (18 films), to that from background radiation.
- Describe protective measures required by the operator to protect self from radiation exposure.
- Explain the use and value of a monitoring system.
- Describe protective measures required by the operator to protect the patient and other office occupants from radiation exposure.
- Relate acceptable radiation dosages to standard limits for patients and x-ray operators.
- Describe techniques and standards recommended for the reduction of patient exposure to radiation.
- Value patient and operator (self) health and safety by practicing optimum radiation protection techniques.
- Describe the use, diagnostic value and timeliness of radiographs for optimum dental care.
- Relate the biological effects of ionizing radiation to body-tissue health.
- Differentiate between genetic and somatic tissues and the radio-sensitivity of each group of tissues.
- Describe the cumulative effect of radiation.
- Compare chronic and acute overexposure to x-radiation.
- Explain the term “latent period”.
- Identify signs and symptoms of overexposure to radiation to somatic and genetic tissues.
- Describe responsible policy regarding the exposure of x-rays of pregnant women.
- Discuss the exposure comparison of conventional film to digital images.
- Explain patient management techniques.
- List behaviors for the dental auxiliary to possess for effective communication and management of adult, child and special patients.
- Describe the common management problem which can be encountered when positioning radiographic films/sensor/phosphorus plates, and give methods to resolve those difficulties.
- List methods used to orient and gain confidence in patients new to radiographic procedures.
- State rationale and value for following the recommended view order for exposure of full mouth surveys.
- Compare the bisecting technique with the parallel technique.
- State the geometric theory behind bisection of angle techniques.
- State the advantages and disadvantages of bisection.
- Explain patient & film/sensor/phosphorus plate position for bisection.
- State common errors in the bisection technique.
- Compare parallel technique to bisection.
- Explain the processing technique.
- Discuss the design, equipment, and lighting used for processing..
- Describe processing method.
- Recognize chemicals composing developer and fixer and the function of each.
- Value optimum processing technique by maintaining darkroom and processing chemicals.
- Identify the parts of a radiographic film packet and the function of each part.
- Explain the manufacture of dental film in determining film speed.
- Describe the causes and prevention measures of processing errors.
- On slides and radiographs, recognize common processing faults; describe causes and measures to prevent and/or correct the errors.
- Explain the legal issues involved with the exposure of radiographs.
- Describe laws pertaining to radiography.
- Describe informed consent, risk management, liability, patient records, and patient refusal.
- Identify the importance of quality control.
- Explain the various tests used to check for quality assurance.
- Explain the administrative quality control steps.
- Participate in quality control tests.
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