Mar 13, 2025
CST 271 - Object Oriented+Data Driven ProgrammingCredits: 3 Instructional Contact Hours: 3
Emphasizes the creation and use of classes and highlights arrays and collections in object-oriented programming. Includes programming principles working with dates, strings, and numeric data. Highlights work with inheritance. Introduces database programming.
Prerequisite(s): CST 171 and CST 173 . Corequisite(s): None Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0 Meets MTA Requirement: None Pass/NoCredit: Yes
Outcomes and Objectives
- Use various data types.
- Describe various data types; including int, double, decimal, bool, and string.
- Describe data terms; including literal value, null value, empty string, concatenate, append, escape sequence, string literal, verbatim string literal, and nullable data type.
- Describe the order of precedence for arithmetic expressions.
- Distinguish between implicit casting and explicit casting.
- Describe the differences between class scope and method scope.
- Create classes.
- Design classes.
- Include properties and methods.
- Instantiate objects.
- Create constructors.
- Use common conventions.
- Apply inheritance concepts.
- Create sub-classes.
- Overload methods.
- Describe the use of the protected and virtual access modifiers.
- Describe the use of polymorphism.
- Distinguish between an abstract class and a sealed class.
- Code control structures.
- Compare the if-else and switch statements.
- Use if statements and switch statements.
- Use while, do-while, and for statements as needed within your applications.
- Create arrays.
- Write the code that works with an array.
- Distinguish between a for loop and a foreach loop.
- Create collections.
- Write the code that works with a collection.
- Describe the differences between these collection classes: list, sorted list, queue, stack, and array list.
- Utilize for and foreach loops to process collections.
- Develop a database application.
- Explain how a table in a relational database is organized.
- Explain how the tables in a relational database are related.
- Describe the use of these SQL statements: Select, Insert, Update, Delete.
- Validate data.
- Describe the three types of data validation most likely to perform on data entry.
- Write code that validates user data entry.
- Configure controls to validate user data entry.
- Use dialog boxes within your applications.
- Handle exceptions.
- Explain what an exception is.
- Explain what it means for an exception to be thrown.
- Explain what it means for an exception to be handled.
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