Feb 11, 2025  
2019 - 2020 Catalog 
2019 - 2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Grading System  | Disputed Final Grade Policy  | Academic Status  | Graduation Requirements   | Michigan Transfer Agreement  

One of the most memorable moments in your life will be receiving your certificate or associate degree from Delta College.

Although you may complete graduation requirements at the end of the Fall or Spring Semester, commencement ceremonies are only held once a year, at the end of the Winter Semester. Diplomas, however, are mailed to you by the Registrar's Office approximately four weeks after the end of the month in which you apply for graduation and complete your requirements. 

The Commencement Program and your academic transcript will carry special designations if you complete your associate degree with an outstanding academic record according to the following cumulative grade point averages: 

  3.50 -3.69 Honors
  3.70 -3.89 High Honors
  3.90 -4.00 Highest Honors

Transfer students are eligible for graduation honors if they have completed at least twenty-four (24) credit hours of a curriculum at Delta College.

Updated information regarding commencement-related activities (dates/times, caps/gowns, tickets, etc.) is available in the Student Portal by January each year.  Commencement apparel and announcements are available for purchase in the Bookstore in April.

To have your name and degree or certificate(s) included in the Commencement Program, your graduation application must be received by the Registrar’s Office by March 1.  We hope you will give your family and friends the pleasure of seeing you participate in the annual Commencement Ceremony. 

Graduate Student Awards

Outstanding students are recognized each year for their academic achievement and leadership while in attendance at Delta College. These awards are sponsored by individuals, businesses, and organizations that are committed to the Delta College community. The Graduate Student Award Ceremony and Reception is held the week of Commencement each spring. Award recipients are presented with an individual plaque, have their name inscribed on a group plaque for display in a Delta College showcase, and are presented a cash honorarium. Award application information is available from the Vice President of Students and Educational Services Office (B-137) in mid-January. Recipients are strongly encouraged to attend the ceremony. 

Candidates are encouraged to apply for an award and MUST meet the following criteria for the current academic year. 

  • Already graduated with an associate degree in the proceeding months of May – December OR 
  • Graduating with an associate degree in January-April. Application for Graduation must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office to be eligible. 
  • Recipient may not win the same award twice. 

Items considered by all Award Selection Committees: 

  • Delta College Cumulative Grade Point. 
  • Delta College Grade Point in coursework directly related to specific award. 
  • Community involvement active participation in volunteer associations, and college clubs and organizations, church clubs and associations, and independent volunteerism examples. 
  • Letters of recommendation from faculty/staff, supervisors, and volunteer coordinators. 

Award Descriptions: 

Board of Trustees Award 

Presented to graduates who have earned a 4.00 Cumulative GPA and a minimum of 45 graded credits. (Does not include TR or TB-transfer, P- Pass, CR –credit by portfolio or articulated grades) 

William R. Collings Award of Excellence–Highest Recognition Award 

The Outstanding Achievement, Leadership Potential and Service Graduate Award was established by Dow Corning Corporation of Midland, in memory of Dr. William R. Collings. Dow Corning Corporation was formally established in 1943, and Dr. Collings was named company’s first general manager, later serving as president from 1954 to 1962. He was also a Charter Member of the Delta College Board of Trustees, and served on the Board from 1957 to 1976. He passed away in 1980.  The Dr. William R. Collings Award of Excellence has been given out since 1986 in memory of Mr Colling’s wise and generous counsel and superior leadership as president of the Dow Corning Corporation. This award recognizes academic achievement and superior citizenship. The graduate must have an excellent academic record and potential for outstanding future achievement. Evidence of demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities that benefit the College and community is essential. Finalists will be contacted for a personal interview with the Awards committee. 

Robert & Joyce Hetzler Family – Highest Recognition Award 

Outstanding Graduate in Service & Leadership. The Hetzler Award was established in honor of Robert and Joyce Hetzler Family. Mr. Hetzler is former Chair of the Foundation Board, and the retired President and Chief Executive Officer of Monitor Sugar Company. Mrs. Hetzler taught home economics at schools in Michigan and Virginia for five years before raising the couple’s children. The award recognizes the graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement based on service and leadership to the college and the community. A high level of academic achievement at Delta College must also be evident as documented by letters of recommendation or other documentation. Personal service and leadership examples include, but are not limited to volunteer work at schools, churches, charitable organizations, and fund raisers. Finalists will be contacted for a personal interview with the Awards Committee. 

(Applied) Industrial/Technical Award - Sponsor: Gougeon Employee Foundation 

In 1969, Meade Gougeon and his younger brother Jan, who’s hometown is Bay City, founded Gougeon Brothers’ Boatworks to build iceboats. Meade Gougeon passed away in 2017 and Jan Gougeon passed away in 2012.  Gougeon Brothers, Inc. has always been a privately-held company but in 1983, set the ground work to become an employee-owned company. In effect, any Gougeon employee you speak with is a part-owner of the company with a vested interest in keeping customer satisfaction. Gougeon Brothers, Inc. has a mission statement affirming their purpose to provide safe, high-quality, cost-effective products and comprehensive technical information supported by continual research and development. The following programs are considered for this award: HVAC, Fire Science, Refrigeration, Machine Tools, Welding, Skilled Trades, Construction, Manufacturing. 

Art Award – Sponsor: Peter & Suzanne Frantz 

The Peter B. and Suzanne Smith Frantz Art Award Endowment was made possible with a gift from Mr. Frantz in memory of his wife. Mr. Frantz spent his career as an architect, and authored a book in 2000, Jane’s Letters from Ireland: 1884-1886, featuring letters from his maternal grandmother, Jane Stanley, one of America’s premier watercolor artists. Mrs. Frantz, who passed away in July 2005, was an accomplished artist who worked in the photography department at Delta College and exhibited her work at Adrian College, Central Michigan University and Alma College. The following programs are considered for this award: Art Majors, Electronic Media and graduates who completed multiple art classes. 

Business Management Award – Sponsor: Morley Family Foundation 

The Morley Family Foundation was established in 1948 by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Morley, Sr. Morley Companies. The Morley Family Foundation Award recognizes annually the outstanding Delta College graduate in business programs and business management. The award has been established to recognize academic achievement and good citizenship, thereby demonstrating the business community’s concern and appreciation of superior performance. Additionally, it is expected such recognition will encourage other students to strive for success in the area of business. The following programs are considered for this award: Construction Management, Cosmetology Management, Marketing Management, Retail Management, Small Business Management, Business Management, and Business Administration. 

Education Award – Sponsor: Edward & Kathryn Dunn Langenburg 

Edward and Kathryn (Dunn) Langenburg of Bay City are retired educators, the parents of two children - Scott and Ann-Marie - and the grandparents of six. Mr. Langenburg worked for 31 years as a counselor and administrator for the Bay City Public Schools, and Mrs. Langenburg worked for 32 years as a mathematics teacher for Bangor Township and Bay City Public Schools. Mr. Langenburg received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Counseling from Central Michigan University. Mrs. Langenburg attended Bay City Junior College and received an associate’s degree from Delta College (graduating during the College’s first commencement exercises), a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Central Michigan University, and a Master’s degree in Teaching from Saginaw Valley State University. She is a member of the Delta College Foundation Board of Directors, and believes in giving back to Delta College for scholarship support she received when she was a college student. The following programs are considered for this award: Child Development, Teacher Assistant, Industrial Technology Education, Art Education, Business Education, Elementary Education, Industrial Arts Education, Music Education, Physical Education, Pre-School Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education. 

Engineering & Technology Award – Sponsor: Fred E. Dulmage 

The Fred E. Dulmage Memorial Award annually recognizes the outstanding Delta College graduate in mechanical engineering and technology. It was established to recognize academic achievement and good citizenship thereby demonstrating Delta College’s appreciation of superior performance. Additionally, it is expected such recognition will encourage other students to strive for success. The following programs are considered for this Award: Mechanical Engineering Technology, Pre-Engineering, and graduates with demonstrated excellence in CAD, CNC, & DRF courses. 

English Award – Sponsor: Margaret Timm 

This award was established by Mr. Wesley Timm in memory of his wife Margaret Timm. A Bay City native, Mrs. Timm attended Bay City Public Schools and Bay City Junior College concentrating on foreign languages and graduating in 1931. She continued her studies in foreign languages at the University of Michigan. In 1933, she graduated with a major in Latin, minors in French and German, a K-12 Teaching Certificate and a Phi Beta Kappa key. At Central Michigan and Purdue Universities, she earned two Master degrees in English. When Garber High School opened, she was English Department head and introduced Advanced Placement English. For 30 years, Mrs. Timm emphasized excellence in all her classes as she prepared the students for college and life. At age 80, she retired in1993 and she passed away in 2001. Mr. Timm, a member of the “Committee of 300” (considered to be founders of Delta College), passed away in 2007. The following programs are considered for this award: Journalism and Emerging Media; and/or graduates who have excelled in multiple English and/or Literature courses. The English Division faculty will select the award recipient. 

Finance (Banking) & Information Technology Award – Sponsor: Chemical Bank 

Chemical Bank is teh largest bank headquartered in Michigan and has a three-state footprint.  It understands the people, resources and potential of the communities in which it serves and helps to make its communities better now and in the future for its neighbors and families. At Chemical Bank, this “neighbor-helping-neighbor” spirit is important. Programs considered, but not limited to: Accounting, Finance, Computer Applications, Information Security and Technology, Network Technology, IT Support, Programming, Web Information Technology or students who have demonstrated excellence in accounting coursework. 

Foreign Language Study Award – Sponsor: Lola Bishop Whitney Recognition 

During her long life from July 13, 1883 until March 26, 1976, Lola Bishop Whitney lived a life which was filled with a spirit of adventure and a commitment which inspired students during her 41 years of teaching. As a dedicated teacher, she inspired students to study, to learn, to explore, and to strive for the best within them. It is hoped that her zest for adventure and learning will be communicated to those who receive awards and recognition from her endowment fund, and that her life will forever be an inspiration for students of all ages. The Lola Bishop Whitney Foreign Language Award was established to encourage and support foreign language study, which was a life-long pursuit for Lola Bishop Whitney, the former language teacher in Bay City. The following programs are considered for this award: Foreign Language majors, International Studies, or students who have demonstrated sustained excellence in foreign language courses over several semesters of study. 

Health Sciences Award – Sponsor: James McIntyre 

The Outstanding Graduate in Health Science Programs Award (except Nursing) was created by James R. McIntyre, a lifetime Saginaw resident and Delta College supporter. Mr. McIntyre was employed by and later owned the McIntyre Funeral Chapel for 45 years, retiring in 2005. He passed away in 2012.  He was a Past President of the Saginaw (Downtown) Lions Club, the West Saginaw Civic Association and Second Vice President of PRIDE in Saginaw. He was named honorary grand marshal of the 2005 PRIDE Christmas Parade. Health Science Programs (except Nursing) considered for this award: Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Health Fitness, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiography, Respiratory Care, and Surgical Technology. 

Law Enforcement Award – Sponsor: F.O.P. Bay City Lodge 103 

The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 324,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. They are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities, and are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation. No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the F.O.P. The following programs are considered for this award: Corrections, Basic Police Training Certification Track, and Law Enforcement. 

Life Sciences Award – Sponsor: Julius and Irene Sutto 

The Julius & Irene Sutto Student Award for Life Sciences Endowment was established by gifts from Mr. Sutto in memory of his wife to honor a top student enrolled in the Life Sciences. Mr. Sutto was a member of the Delta College “Committee of 300”, (considered to be the College’s founders,) and was employed with the County of Saginaw as its first controller in 1964 and served on the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners. He passed away in 2010. Mrs. Sutto was the first female elected to the Spaulding Township School Board and the Bridgeport-Spaulding School Board, and served in a number of leadership roles. She passed away in 2004. Delta College’s Life Sciences Award is for students pursuing transfer programs including: Biology Majors, Pre-Biotechnology, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Dietetics, Pre-Medical Technology, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Mortuary Science, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Optometry, Pre- Osteopathy, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, and related medical fields. 

Mathematics Award – Sponsor: Jim and Janis Van Tiflin 

This award has been established with a gift from Jim and Janis Van Tiflin. Mr. Van Tiflin is the longest serving member of the Delta College Foundation Board of Directors, departing the Board in 2017, and served as President of Citizens Bank, now Huntington Bank. Mrs. Van Tiflin is a retired medical librarian. Both were born and raised in Saginaw, graduated from Saints Peter and Paul High School and attended Delta College. The Van Tiflins are grateful for the training they received at Delta College. The recipient should have a strong academic record in the mathematics curriculum, with a minimum of 12 credits earned in higher level mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, and Statistics). 

Nursing Award – Sponsor: Frances Goll Mills 

This award was established by a gift by the Frances Goll Mills Memorial Fund and recognizes an outstanding graduate in nursing. Mrs. Goll Mills, who passed away in 1982, moved to Saginaw in 1932 from Ohio. She became a well-respected artist in the Mid-Michigan area, having her works displayed at the Detroit Institute of Art, the Saginaw Art Museum and the Saginaw Women’s Club. The following programs are considered for this award: Licensed Paramedic to RN, LPN to RN, Nursing, and Pre-Nursing (BSN). 

Physical Sciences Award – Sponsor: Dow Chemical Michigan Operations 

This award is sponsored by The Dow Chemical Michigan Operations. The Dow Chemical Company is a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power of innovation, science and technology to constantly improve what is essential to human progress. The Company offers a broad range of products and services to customers in more than 175 countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging and personal care products. Built on a commitment to its principles of sustainability, The Dow Chemical Company has annual sales of $49 billion and employs 43,000 people worldwide. The following programs are considered for this award: Chemical Process Technology, Chemical Technology, Environmental Technology Agriculture, Pre- Biotechnology, Chemistry Majors, Conservation, Forestry, Geography, Geology, Natural Resources, and Water Environmental Technology. 

Social Science Award - Sponsor: Wesley C. Timm 

This award was established in memory of Mr. Timm, was a member of the “Committee of 300” (considered to be the founders of Delta College.) He passed away in 2007. While he believed strongly in higher education, he was especially proud that nearly two-thirds of Delta College graduates stay in or around the area as local residents and tax paying citizens. Mr. Timm was very concerned about the future of the United States, the State of Michigan, and the Great Lakes Bay Region. He believed that Delta College was very capable of training the next generation of leaders for this Region. This award will be presented annually to a graduate who shares the idea that, in order for the Great Lakes Bay Region (Bay, Midland and Saginaw Counties) to prosper, persons with vision and leadership need to be developed and motivated, and convinced to settle in this area. Students applying for this award must have taken two or more classes within History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology or Economics, and demonstrate the civic leadership potential in government, education, or business.