Feb 13, 2025
2019 - 2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Validation Procedures
Some restricted enrollment programs require completion of prerequisites and a validation process before registering. Currently these programs are:
Health Programs
- Dental Hygiene
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (please visit DMS for application requirements)
- Nursing RN (Full-time and Part-time)
- Nursing Transition Track (Licensed Paramedic or Practical Nurse to RN)
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Practical Nurse
- Radiography
- Respiratory Care
- Surgical Technology
Application and Validation
- Complete all prerequisite courses as specified in this catalog. All waivers and incomplete course work must be posted on your transcript prior to applying for validation. Transcripts from transfer institutions must be received within two weeks after the semester in which you apply in order to be considered for validation.
- Obtain the Validation Application form from the Registrar's Office, Counseling, or online at Validation for Health Programs. Other documents may be required such as observation forms as defined by the particular program. Check for these requirements by contacting your program coordinator or by accessing your program’s portal site.
- Complete and submit the Validation Application to the Registrar’s Office any time during the semester in which you will complete your prerequisites.
You may be validated and eligible for only one program at any given time.
- Registrar’s Office personnel will process your completed Validation Application. You will receive the results of your validation evaluation through your Delta email.
- Validation Applications will be evaluated only by Registrar’s Office staff and processed no later than 30 days after the application deadline.
- Qualified students will be assigned a semester and year of validation which will be entered into the student’s record (e.g., 17F or 18W or 18S).
- Nonqualified students must submit another Validation Application after successfully completing all required prerequisites and other qualifications.
- You MUST waitlist during EACH Clinical Registration period of your program in order to remain on the validation list.
If you do not waitlist yourself, you will be dropped from the validation list. Notification will be sent indicating when this has happened.
- Your validation will expire after three years. At this time, you must request an extension from the program coordinator or you may be required to submit a new Validation Application. You must meet the validation requriements and have successfully completed all prerequisite/qualifications required at the time of the new application submission; this may require you to take additional or repeat course work to meet the defined requirements of the program.
Delta College reserves the right to modify validation and registration procedures for programs based on demand for enrollment.
- A special registration will be held for validated students to enter the restricted enrollment courses of these programs. Check online at Clinical Registration for special registration dates, times, and offerings. Special registrations are usually held in June for Fall semester, and October for Winter semester.
- For the registration process, every student will waitlist themselves and at the end of the registration period the computer system will rank students based on several criteria. A cumulative score will be obtained by ranking the semester of validation, grades earned in selected courses as required in your program, residency status, giving preference to in-district students, total credits taken at Delta College, and overall GPA earned at Delta College. If a tie exists, the higher overall GPA will break the tie. Students will be registered based on the computer ranking.
- Each validation program semester and registration must be verfied before being considered official.
- Students not making payment by the due date (same as the first due date specified for all other students participating in registration) or voluntarily cancelling will be deleted from courses.
- Open positions that result from the above deletions or cancellations will be filled by students selected as alternates from the ranking of the registration waiting list.
- Students will retain their validation through the first week of class and may not validate for another program during this time. After the first week of class, students who remain in the program, as well as students who drop, lose their validation and must resubmit a new Validation Application if they wish to be reconsidered for program entry.
Special Health Program Procedures
- Repeat students will be admitted in compliance with program re-entry procedures as outlined in specific program handbooks.
- After completion of the special registration, registered students may be required to attend clinical orientation sessions. Alternates may be invited to these sessions. Orientation information is listed online under Orientation Dates under Clinical Registration.