Sep 27, 2024  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

International Travel/Study Courses

Placement for Prerequisites  | eLearning  | Independent Study Course Information  | Course Information    | Credit Hour Application Definition  

Delta College offers international travel/study courses on an annual basis. These courses are usually offered for credit which include a combination of lecture and field experience in group international travel; however, since the length of travel time may vary from one to four weeks, the Curriculum Council has approved variable credit, depending on the length of the travel field experience. Consequently, travel/study courses may vary in credits from a minimum of one to a maximum of four. Credit may be taken in various disciplines; i.e., BIO, ECN, SOC. You may register for only one travel/study course per trip. You should consult a Student Success Advisor regarding the transferability of total credits earned through international study and travel.